Coding repetitions
Coding for the echolalia/repetition project
Last updated
Coding for the echolalia/repetition project
Last updated
Make sure you are in annotation mode (Options -> Annotation mode).
Refer to the repetition annotation schema from the previous page to see examples of repetitions: rep: Repetition (R): - R - exact repetitions - P - partial repetitions - N - anything else
In the top part of the screen, select Grid view. In the tier selection, click the arrow to select the rep tier. Look for utterances tagged as Repetitions or Partial repetitions.
Use Alt+Arrow or the grid view shown above to jump back and forth between annotations. Code all utterances tagged as R and P in the following tiers:
pro: Proximity - C - Contingent - D - Distant
The proximity tier determines how close the repetition is to its original utterance. An utterance that repeats immediately following the original is tagged as C, an utterance that is delayed (whether the delay is half a minute or half an hour) is tagged as D.
Contingent repetitions appear:
immediately after the original utterance - as the next utterance, within a few seconds Parent: "Let me hold your hand." Child: "Hold your hand."
immediately after the same utterance - for self-repetitions. Child. "No Felix (nonrepetition). No Felix (contingent self-repetition)."
Repetitions of media, texts and songs if the song is playing in the background or the book is being read
Distant repetitions can include:
Repetitions separated by other utterances Parent: "Let's fasten these snaps. One. Two. Three. Four." Child: "Snaps. Snaps."
Repetitions after a time delay Child: "Space ducky. Space ducky." [30 seconds of silence later] Child: "...Space ducky."
Repetitions in similar contexts after significant delays [child has a vest in the morning, finishes breakfast, has diaper change] Parent: "Let's put on your vest." Child: "Snaps."
fun: Pragmatic function The pragmatic function of the repetition is the thing the repetition is used for in the discourse. This can be a somewhat ambiguous decision-making process. You can rely on the repeated utterance to decide what the child's utterance is. If the parent's utterance is a description, the child's utterance can also be a description.
- S - self-repetition Child: "Snaps. Snaps. Snaps." - Q - question or request Parent: "Do you want this milk?" Child: "Milk." - R - routines, games Parent: "Can you say thank you?" Child: "Thank you." - P - vocal play Child: "Snaps. Sn-n-n-n-naps." - D - description, information Parent: "Okay, now let's put on your vest." Child: "Vest." - Whining - the child is repeating themselves while whining or fussing Child: "No Felix. No Felix. No Feliiiix."
Examples of ambiguity resolution: Parent: "Would you like some milk?" Child: "Some milk." Tag this as Q - request
Parent: "Here's some milk." Child: "Some milk." Tag this as D - description
There might also be a transition between self-repetitions and whining. Decide based on a) the child's tone of voice, and b) the number of self-repetitions. One or two (or even three) are tagged as S, but beyond that make sure you are not in W territory.
As with the previous rounds, make sure to check your work from time to time using the Grid view function to spot empty utterances.