Flash Drive Management

How to encrypt and manage encrypted flashdrives

Encrypting a Flash Drive


  1. Insert flash drive into computer

  2. Open a new Finder window and navigate to Applications

  3. Go to Utilities, then Disk Utility

  4. MORE HERE NOTE: Password encryption in this manner reformats the flash drive to be Mac-Only; you will be unable to use this drive on a PC!

Converting a Mac Encrypted Drive to a PC-Accessible Drive

  1. Connect the drive

  2. Open a new Terminal window and write the following prompts;

  3. Run cmd

  4. Run diskpart.exe

  5. Run list disk and find the disk that corresponds to your drive

  6. Select the disk (it will be labeled with a number of letter) by typing in that character

  7. Confirm that you are using the correct disk by typing detail disk

  8. Run clean (Warning: This command erases the disk's partition information. Any data on the disk will no longer be accessible.)

  9. Run create partition primary

  10. Run active

  11. Run format fs=fat32 quick

  12. Run assign: this command assigns the drive a letter on your machine

  13. Run exit to quit this prompt

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