Batch video scrubbing
Directions for batch video scrubbing
Batch Video Personal Info Scrubbing
In order to batch scrub video files for personal information, we first need to determine which files contain personal info comments.
found in datavyu_scripts repo.
need to provide 2 paths (by setting variables in the script at the top)
folder with all the opf_files (variable called 'filedir')
folder where to dump personal_info.csv files (variable called 'pinfo_dir')
found in the videoscrub repo
takes 4 arguments:
path to folder with original video files
path to folder with personal_info.csv files generated from the batch_personal_info.rb script above.
path to black1280x720.png file to mask video with (a copy should be in the 'data' folder in videoscrub repo)
output folder to dump the scrubbed files
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