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On menu on left, under “Data Collection,” click “Record Status Dashboard”.
Of the records shown, increment highest number by ‘1’, starting with 296 if completely empty.
Enter new number and click green “Create” button.
Experimenter fills out the “Schedule Enrollment” instrument by clicking on the corresponding circle under “Status.”
Fill out all applicable questions (some are mandatory; some are optional) UP TO THE POINT WHERE it says “please fill in after experiment is complete). At the bottom of the page, under freeform notes, add the VIHI participant ID (e.g., "TA_019")
On menu on left, under “Data collection,” click “Survey Distribution Tools”.
Click “Compose Survey Invitations”. Specify time of no earlier than 24 hours prior to experiment appointment (if the COVID questionnaire is to be used). Add subject line: "Action Required: Details and Pre-Visit Surveys for Your Upcoming Research Appt". Paste template into body of email.
On participant list, uncheck boxes to send invitations ONLY to one person at a time, to get the sending time right for each person. Click “Send invitations” at the bottom. Repeat for additional subjects.
On day of experiment, before admitting participant into the building, check:
They have consented.
They have no further questions about the experiment
They have passed the COVID screening (if this restriction is in place) Otherwise, need to advise them to visit a Primary Care Provider, provide phone numbers
They agree that they have been vaccinated (if this restriction is in place)
After the participant completes the experiment, fill out the remainder of the “Schedule Enrollment” form, indicating any reasons why the experiment was not completed. Add notes as necessary for documentation. Add amount paid.
Thank you for signing up for [experiment_name] on [appointment_datetime]. This email contains some important information about the EEG procedure in general and specific information about your task in the study. Please read the following carefully and let me know if you have any further questions.
If you decide to cancel for whatever reason, please send me an email.
1.) EEG Procedure and payment eligibility **Important**: The first hour or so is reserved for the capping process. The cap looks more or less like a swimming cap with 64 embedded electrodes that sit flat on your head.
If you think the volume or style of your hair might not allow the cap to fit snugly against your scalp, please let me know.
We also note that each electrode has to be filled with a viscous, electrolyte gel to conduct the signals of your brain waves. Some of this gel will thus end up in your hair; however, it is harmless and washes out easily. We provide shampoo, a towel, and a hair dryer for your use. Your hair will be messy until you wash it afterward in our lab or at home. Please let me know if having the gel in your hair will be a problem.
As required by Duke Financial Services, only US citizens or international full-time students (on a J1 or F1 visa sponsored by Duke) may receive payment. People from outside of Duke will be asked to provide their social security number (SSN) to receive payment; Duke employees or full-time students may provide their unique ID instead.
2.) Location: Our lab is located in room B243 in the LSRC building (Research Drive, West Campus). If you get lost or need entrance to the building, please call me at the lab at (919) 668-1334. If you need a parking pass for the CCN visitor parking lot, please tell me at least one day in advance. Also, let me know if you need more detailed directions.
3.) Payment/Experiment Duration: You will receive $15 per hour. Usually we are done within [duration_low] hours, though sometimes it takes a little bit longer, approaching [duration_hi] hours. Thus it's best to try not to schedule something immediately after.
4.) Vision: Please wear your contacts (preferred) or glasses if you have corrected vision.
5.) Hair/Skin Prep: To support the capping process, please wash your face and hair thoroughly that morning and don't put in any gel/styling products or put on any foundation makeup (eyeliner and mascara are okay). Furthermore, please make sure your hair is fully dry.
6.) Sleep: Please try to get enough sleep the night before the experiment, as it will be done in a darkened room, and it might be hard to stay awake if you are already very tired.
7.) As soon as you get this email: Please start the consent process and fill out some of the surveys before arriving in our lab by following the link below. If you have questions that you would like answered, you may call (919) 668-1334 between normal business hours. [survey-link]
Thanks again for your interest!