Data and Code

Where to look for our data and code. See specific project or corpus pages for more detaisl.

Where is the data?

Our data is stored in many places. Here is a partial list:

  • BLab share - our main central storage. VPN-protected, anything with private identifying information must be stored there.

  • GitHub - see BLAB_DATA

  • Individual github repos - see project pages to find them.

  • Google drive.

  • Google docs/sheets.

  • OSF - a set of projects. No central repository.

Where is the code?

All new code should go into one of the following:

  • Reusable R code goes into blabr.

  • Reusable Python code goes into blabpy.

  • Project-specific code goes into individual GitHub repos.

  • Smaller lab-wide projects that don't correspond to a full research project and are typically done by the lab technician, go into the one_time_scripts repo.

Lab-wide code (reusable or not) used to be spread out across multiple github repos before we started putting everything into blabr/blabpy/one_time_scripts. Git repos cloned on BLab sharehas a partial list of those repos. They are often a useful source for code that can be adapted for new tasks.

GitHub organizations

Our GitHub repos belong to two GitHub organizations: BergelsonLab and SeedlingsBabylab. All new repo should go into BergelsonLab. Dr. B. and staff members are admins of these organizations and give access to the individual lab members' GitHub accounts.

Last updated