If there is a new survey you created mistakenly, or a participant was a no-show, LET THE LAB MANAGER KNOW and they will handle it!

WebCDI setup

WebCDI can be found at webcdi.stanford.edu

The login is bergelsonlab. If you don't know the password, please ask lab staff.

Each study is created individually. They are set up to collect CDIs for the correct age range for the specific study.

Age ranges

To see the age range that has been selected for a current study (or to widen it for new data collection), select the study from the dropdown menu and click "Update Study".

The age range should be set to be one month younger and one month older than the actual age range of the study. Otherwise, webCDI will give participants problems, if their child is, for example, 8 months minus one week.


The studies are set to expire within 14 days. This gives us a buffer where we can send the CDI beforehand (e.g. on the Friday before a Monday study that then gets rescheduled for Thursday). Once it expires, it can't be filled out. *Why?* We want CDI data to be as close in time to their experiment date as possible— infant language knowledge is something that changes in a matter of days or weeks! Therefore, if a participant fills out a webcdi but then reschedules their visit to be more than 2 weeks later, we want them to fill it out again (sorry parents!).

Re-administer the webcdi to the same participant

If a participant reschedules for more than two weeks after their original appointment was confirmed, or if you have participants complete the CDI multiple times during a longitudinal study, you don't need to add a new participant with the same number/some addendum: WebCDI has a built-in way to do it!

Find the participant's subject number in the list of CDIs under that study and click the check box next to their subject ID:

Then click the grey box on the left of the top bar that says "Re-administer participants."

WebCdi will automatically create a new line in the list of subjects with a fresh, unfilled link. It will have the same subject id, but the administration number will say "2" (or 3 or 4 and so on).

Background info questions

New feature for studies created after March 2020: Background Information questions can be split over the front and back of the form. This is in response to feedback from many folks suggesting that people might be more willing to complete the form if the questions were at the end, rather than all up front.

To have access to this feature, you will need to select a new version of the form when you create a new study. For example, the form "English WS" is the original format where the Background questions all appear in the front. But, if you choose "English WS2," a few questions appear at the front of the instrument, but the majority of the questions are at the end. You can only choose this option for new studies moving forward. Existing studies will not be affected.


These are the standard selections we make for the studies:

WebCDI management

When you need to use CDI data for a study, you can use the Download Data button, and download it in a CSV format. Then you can also download the Dictionary, which tells you which item numbers correspond to what words/questions.

Some participants opt out of sharing their data with the broader pool. See here for how to indicate non-consent.

Retrieving the data

Once you've signed into the WebCDI site, you will find a drop-down menu with a list of studies. Select your study of interest and the subjects should automatically appear below. Above the data, you'll find a button for downloading data. Select "Download as .csv."

Rename it with details of the study acronym and today's date and save it in your study folder on blab-share.

Last updated