Single monitor booth studies
This page describes how to set up single monitor studies in the sound proof booth, and then gives specific details about each study at the bottom.
Last updated
This page describes how to set up single monitor studies in the sound proof booth, and then gives specific details about each study at the bottom.
Last updated
Wake up and log into the laptop
Turn on the lights in the booth (make sure the slider is all the way at the bottom)
Turn on the large TV (remote can be found in the file cabinet outside of the booth)
The TV should be set to HDMI 2
Open Habit
You need to set up the computer to run the specific study.
Open preferences
Next, set the "Monitor assignments" to the correct monitors.
Control should always be Monitor 0
Single stimulus should be Monitor 1
For single monitor studies you do not need to worry about the Dual Stimulus options
If you want to make sure that the monitors are labeled correctly, click Identify Monitors: this should pop up a dialog box on the laptop stating it is Monitor 0, and after you hit OK, a dialog box on the TV stating it is Monitor 1.
Select the study you're running and click the "Run" symbol (green running man)
On the next screen, enter "Test" for the Subject ID, and your initials for the observer.
Select Default Order for the first option and and Default Order and Randomize for the second options, and choose C1 or C2 (depending on the condition you will be running) for the third option.
They will turn green once you have made selections for each one, and the study will not run until you do.
Next, make sure the study is running properly
Once you hit Run, a new box will pop up:
You need to hit Start Trials before anything will happen
Once you hit Start Trials, the attention getter will start playing on the TV. You should stand up and check that there are images on the screen and that sound is playing.
After making sure the attention getter is playing, hit "SPACE" to advance to the pre-phase.
Hold down the button "5" for a few seconds to make sure the word "apple" plays. Once you release, it should go back to the attention getter. Hit "SPACE" again, and repeat this process for the first five trials. You should hear the words "apple", "dog", "shoe", and "ball", and then the 5th trial should be "neem".
Turn on the GoPro and make sure that it has enough memory, and that it's set up properly to stream a good image to the monitor outside of the booth (next to the laptop).
Make sure the chair is lined up correctly with the tape on the floor.
Now that you know everything is working correctly, set up the experiment for the participant
For TVS New Talker (done as of 1/14/2020)
Open the TVS Counterbalancing log on the desktop
Input the subject information and date in the New Talker Notes tab
Go to the Variability - New talker Counterbalancing tab and choose a condition that needs another participant (try to keep them even across conditions)
For TVS MP (current study as of 1/15/2020)
Open the TVS Counterbalancing log on the computer
Input the subject infomration and date in the MP Notes tab
Go to the Single Talker - MP Counterbalancing tab and choose a condition that needs another participant (try to fill them in left to right and keep them even across conditions)
In Habit, select the study and click Run
Enter the Subject ID (e.g. T001) and your initials, and select the appropriate order (default, default, C1 or C2 based on Counterbalancing tab)
Make sure parents have filled out the consent form, demographics, and AV release form.
Administer the Language History Questionnaire to them verbally, as you fill out the questionnaire on the ipad.
Explain the study to them:
"During this study, your job is to be a really comfortable chair for your child. We will go into a sound proof booth, and you will sit in a chair with your child on your lap. There will be a monitor in front of you and we will be showing your child some pictures and playing him/her some sounds. During the study, we are interested in what your child is interested in attending to, so there is no need to direct their attention. If they are not interested in what is on the screen, that tells us something too. That being said, we ask that you try to keep your child facing forward as much as possible. If they need a hug or a kiss, feel free to do that and then turn them back around so they can see what is on the screen if they want to. During the study, you will be wearing headphones and listening to some music, just so you are not hearing exactly what your child is and you can't subconsciously influence what he/she is interested in. The whole study only goes about 3 minutes total. I can see what is going on inside the booth, but I can't hear it, which can make it difficult to tell if your child is making funny faces, or if they are about to lose it. So, if you would like to stop at any time, please wave your hand or stand up and walk out of the booth. We get data from any part of the experiment, so it's no problem if your child doesn't like it or wants to stop. Do you have any questions?"
If parents ask what the study is about, tell them that generally we are interested in what kids know about words, but that we will tell them a lot more about the study after it's done.
Bring parents to the booth.
Have them sit in the chair with their child on their lap
Turn on the GoPro and set it to record
Turn on the ipod, and place the headphones on the parent (or offer for them to do it themselves if they prefer)
Before putting on the headphones, tell them you'll get started now
Walk out of the booth and undo the bunjee cords, make sure the door seals all the way so you cannot hear the stimuli playing in the booth
Run the study!
Press Run and then Start Trials to begin the experiment
If the attention getter is on the screen (evidenced by the yellow triangle with an exclamation point (as seen below), you need to hit the space bar once the participant is looking at the front monitor)
During all other phases, you need to hold down the "5" key while the participant is looking at the front monitor, and release it when they are not. If they look away but look back while the trial is still running (as evidenced by a frame with a picture icon), then resume pressing 5.
Trials will always alternate with an Attention Getter, since we want to make sure kids are attending back to the front monitor before we start playing stimuli for them again.
The experiment has 3 Test Phases, the phase can be seen under the Phase heading on the expeirment screen (see above for examples).
The phases are:
PreFam (during which participants see 4 familiar objects)
Habituation (during which they are being trained on a new object)
Test (during which we test to see what they learned)
All three phases are identical from the point of view of the experimenter, but it is nice to keep an eye on what phase of the experiment you are in just to know.
When the study is done, the experiment will close out on the laptop.
Go back in the booth (and hook the bunjee cords so the door stays open). Take the headphones off the parent, stop the ipod, and stop the GoPro recording.
Tell participants they did great!
As you are walking back to the waiting room, debrief the parent
For TVS New Talker (done as of 1/14/2020)
"In this study, we are interested in what kids know about what new words can sound like. During the first part of the study, we taught your child that during the experiment we would be labeling objects. For example, we showed them a dog and played the word "dog" over and over again until they got bored and looked away. During the second part, we taught them a new word for a new object. For example, we might have taught them, that the new object on the screen was called a "neem". We showed them the picture and played them the word for as long as they wanted to listen. We know kids at this age get bored pretty quickly, so we used that as our metric of when they have heard it enough that it is no longer new to them. Then, we changed the way the word sounded by either having a new talker produce it, or having a familiar talker misproduce it. We are curious whether at this age, kids know that the same word produced by a new speaker is the same even though it sounds different, or whether a new word mispronounced is different (such as saying "noom" instead of "neem"). Your child did great!"
For TVS MP (current study as of 1/15/2020) "
In this study, we are interested in what kids know about what new words can sound like. During the first part of the study, we taught your child that during the experiment we would be labeling objects. For example, we showed them a dog and played the word "dog" over and over again until they got bored and looked away. During the second part, we taught them a new word for a new object. For example, we might have taught them, that the new object on the screen was called a "neem". We showed them the picture and played them the word for as long as they wanted to listen. We know kids at this age get bored pretty quickly, so we used that as our metric of when they have heard it enough that it is no longer new to them. Then, we changed the way the word sounded by mispronouncing it (for example if your child heard neem they would hear noom during this test trial -- if they heard lof they would hear lef). We are curious whether at this age, kids know that a new word mispronounced is different (such as saying "noom" instead of "neem"). Your child did great!"
If they did not fill out the WebCDI before coming in, have them do this now in the waiting room.
Then offer them their thank you gift.
Come back to the booth, turn off the TV, and lights, and GoPro.
Finish filling out the Notes tab with anything important to know for data analysis (participant didn't finish the study, parents distracted them, something stopped working, etc).