Preparing the Experiment
What to do once you get pictures from parents.
Visual Stimuli
Create folders for the raw images and final products:
Raw: BergelsonLab/Stimuli/YM/raw_images/[SubjectID]
Final: BergelsonLab/Stimuli/YM/images_greybackground_960x960_150dpi/[SubjectID]
Open the 12 raw images in Photoshop (Photoshop CS6 is on Azalea, Chrysanthemum, and Wisteria)
in Photoshop under Image > Image Size change the pixels/inch to 300 and the longest dimension on the image to 960 pixels
Edit the photo so that ONLY THE OBJECT is selected. Use the magic wand and magnetic lasso to help you do so. Always select MORE of the photo when in doubt: you can always erase sections of the image but cannot add it back once it is deleted.
There is a photoshop action loaded that lets you take a selection and will automatically paste it onto a gray background of 960x960@300pdi. Once you have your selection, use Cmd+Shift+F5.
Resize the object after you run this action so it's centered, large, and has a decent amount of gray border.
Once you've successfully edited the image, save it as a final product:
As a .psd with layers so that you can go back and edit it more if needed (no embedded color profile)
As a .jpg (no embedded color profile and no layers); a JPEG Options box will pop up: select Quality = 12, maximum, and Baseline Optimized
Creating Subject Files
The YM subject files are located in BergelsonLab/Subject_Files/YM/[SubjectID]
Create 2 new folders within the Subject ID folder: Image_Stims and Audio_Stims
Open Template_Stimuli (also in BergelsonLab/Subject_Files/YM) and save it as "[SubjectID] _Stimuli" into the corresponding Subject ID folder
From the 12 photos, create 4 pairs where the template says "pair_words". Pair the object words together so that:
Animate objects are NOT paired with any inanimate objects (i.e. you would not pair "dog" and "cup")
No 2 pairs start with the same sound (i.e. you would not pair "ball" and "bottle")
Once you have paired 8 of the words to fit this criteria, list them in order in the "word" colum,n beginning with #1. After you reach #8, repeat the list for #9-16.
Now that you have selected 8 words to use in the pairs, copy the final JPEG version of the 8 images you selected into "Image_Stims".
This next part is a bit confusing. Every image we use as unique stimuli must have a unique number following its name so that the eyetracker knows which image to display. Open the Word Document "Most Recent Stimuli Last #" in BergelsonLab/Subject_Files/YM. Rename each image in the Image_Stims folder according to the Word Document (i.e. if you see the most recent stimuli for "book" is "book64", rename the new image "book65", and ALSO UPDATE THE WORD DOCUMENT). If you do not see the name of your object on the list, hold off on renaming it for now.
Open a new window in finder:
For every unique image that you have in the Image_Stims folder, copy the generic version of the image from the Seedlings Stimuli. As a general rule of thumb, always use the original image (e.g. dog.jpg). The exceptions are that we ALWAYS use BOOK7 as the generic book, and if an image looks very similar to the unique version, you can choose a different image from the Seedlings Stimuli to use as the generic version.
If there are still some unique images that you have not renamed, look for the last number used in the Seedlings Stimuli folder, and then rename your image the next number. MAKE SURE TO UPDATE THE WORD DOC AFTER DOING THIS!!!
When complete, your image stimuli folder should contain 16 images: 8 of them should be unique images (all with numbers after their names) and 8 of them should be generic images (most without numbers after their names).
Let's head back to your Stimuli Spreadsheet! There is a column called "duplicate_image_filename" and it has "NA" written for all of the words.
For the first 8 generic versions of the words, you will likely leave a lot of the "NA"s, since many of the generic photos are named "[objectname].jpg". HOWEVER, if any of the names of the generic photos have numbers after them, change "NA" to the name of the object with its number (e.g. change "NA" to "dog25").
For images #9-16, there will not be any "NA"s since every unique image has numbers afterwards. Rename the box [objectname]number. DO NOT PUT ".JPG" AT THE END OF THE IMAGE NAMES!
Last on the Stimuli Spreadsheet, if the subject number is odd put the number 1 in the cell under order, if the subject number is even, put the number 2.
Finally, you will add audio files to Audio_Stims.
Open Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/Seedlings/Stimuli/audio_stimuli_stereo_rightsilent_72db
You will add 8 audio files in total. Next to each pair of words, you will see that there is a carrier: can, do, look, or where. If the pair "dog_cat" corresponds with the carrier "can", you will copy the audio files "can_cat" and "can_dog". You will continue this process until you have all 8 audio files in the folder.
Creating the DataSource
Navigate to BergelsonLab/Scripts_and_Apps/stimuli_datasource.
Double-click to open it. Make sure you open it with python NOT pycharm
Click on "Load Template" and select "datasource_template_YM.xlsx"
Click on "Load Stimuli" and navigate to Subject_Files/YM/[subject]/ and select "XX_Stimuli.xlsx"
Click "Export" and navigate again to Subject_Files/YM/[subject]/. Name the file "DataSourceXXXX.txt"
Eg. For Y11, you would name the datasource "DataSource0011.txt"
Preparing the Eyetracker
Open YM (icon on the desktop with blocks)
Make sure the computer is plugged into the internet in the back room, so that you can access the BergelsonLab shared folder.
Copy all Image_Stims and Audio_Stims into "library" in the corresponding folder.
Copy the DataSource into "myfiles"
Test the experiment by opening the "eye" icon in the YM folder, and entering the 4 digit code from your DataSource when requested.
Last updated