Count / Mass
Instructions for coding plural nouns
Welcome to the wonderful world of plurals coding! Here's the workflow:
Open the file
Seedlings/Compiled_Data/Count-Mass/[most recent one].xlsx
Open the .opf file in Subject Files that corresponds to the first blank line in plurals_list.
Link the video to the .opf file
Look for each plural from plurals_list in the .opf file. They should appear in the excel sheet in the order they appear in the video. The ordinal value in plurals_list should roughly match the ordinal in the opf file. Don't worry about exactly matching the ordinals, since they will be off by a few most of the time.
When you find a plural from plurals_list, search the objects that are being referred to in the videos.
Code the plurals in plurals_list following these coding conventions:
c = count. More than one clearly delineated object, e.g. two hands
m = mass. No discernible separation between one object and the next, e.g. scrambled eggs
u = unknown. The object is invisible to you. Even if you can guess, put u if you can't see it.
s = single. A single object is the referent of the plural, e.g. they say "apples" but there's only one apple.
When you've finished a file, close Datavyu. NEVER SAVE ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE IN DATAVYU.
Remember that you should save plurals_list! Do so often.
Last updated