Update annotations in CHAs and OPF
Copy the CHAs/OPFs you want to update into a separate folder and edit the copies only.
Update using CLAN/DataVyu or any other way you prefer.
Go to a local clone of "annotated_cha" or "annotated_opf" repositories (you might need to create one first).
Run "backup.py". Check the diff, commit, push. This will sync the CHAs/OPFs from "Seedlings/Subject_Files" to your local clone.
Copy new CHAs/OPFs to the appropriate places in the repository (for OPFs, see "annotated_opfs/opfs_to_unpack/README.md"). Check the diff, commit, push.
Run "restore.py". This will sync CHAs/OPFs from your local clone to "Seedlings/Subject_Files".
Propagate the changes down the pipeline to seedlings-nouns.
Last updated