TVN and MAF speaker code fixes
Speaker codes should be TVS and MFU at this point. If you need to replace codes in a file, here's how to do it.
Last updated
Speaker codes should be TVS and MFU at this point. If you need to replace codes in a file, here's how to do it.
Last updated
We are changing TVN and MAF speaker codes in all our files because those codes overlap with CLAN tiers.
Open the sparse_code.cha file in Subject_Files.
Navigate to "Edit" and "Replace..."
Complete Replace and With fields appropriately:
Replace "_TVN" with "_TVS"
Replace "_MAF" with "_MFU"
Be sure to include the underscore -- this ensures you don't replace the CLAN tier!
Check "Case Sensitive."
Click "Replace All."
Check to make sure it worked properly. Save the file.
Use the most up-to-date .opf file.
Use our fix_speakercodes script.
Replace "TVN" with "TVS"
Replace "MAF" with "MFU"
Quickly look through the file to make sure that the change worked correctly.
Save the file. (It should be saved with the same name in the same place, replacing the original.)