Longitudinal CLF

Full steps for Longitudinal CLF Recruitment and Study Processes


  • Recruit participants from ages 8 months 21 days to 10 months 7 days (this gives them a minimum of two weeks to decide to commit and schedule their first appointment)

Eligibility requirements:

o At least 75% English (21 hours max of another language)

o No hearing problems

o Not premature (at least 37 weeks)

o Parent vaccinated against COVID

  • Fill in and send recruitment email in blab email template section

If interested and eligible:

  • Pull up Blab current studies and conditions doc and find clf_suggested_dates sheet (at the end)

  • Use the demo slot at the top and input child’s DOB. It should provide the range of dates for their first visit, with green being the earliest and red being the latest. Input these dates into the interested/eligible email template and send email

  • The dates ensure that the child is between 9 months three weeks and 10 months three weeks for their first visit

Visit scheduled:

  • When a visit is scheduled, find the Longitudinal CLF participant data sheet in the blabshare and input their information

  • Then navigate back to the clf_suggested_dates sheet in BLAB current studies and conditionsand find the section which corresponds to their new participant number.

  • Input their DOB and the scheduled date in the yellow section. Make sure this falls between the dates in the green and red sections. If not, ask parents to reschedule.

  • Input date into clf_longitudinal sheet on BLAB current studies and conditions doc

  • Update gcal with required info including conditions and order of tasks found on clf_longitudinal.

  • Make sure gcal title also says which visit it is

Before visit:

  • The day before a visit, send out confirmation email using template

  • Should include consent form and demographics form only if it is first visit, and webcdi for all visits

  • For the first visit create the webcdi as normal. For all other visits, select re-administer participants so the participant number stays constant.

  • Find the range of dates for the next visit using the green and red cells on the clf_suggested_datessheet and input these into the indicated section in the confirmation email

  • Go to the blabshare and create a folder in clf_longitudinal > videos with their participant number. Within this folder create four more folders, labelled felt, box, point and eyetracking.

During visit:

Every visit:

  • Check gcal for conditions and order of tasks

  • Compensation form: Can check compensation amount for each visit in yellow rows of clf_suggested_dates. Write the visit number at the top of the form so it is easily kept track of

Select visits:

  • Audio and video release form at end: Get them to sign on first and last visit but remind them each time of their responses (recorded in participant data sheet) and give them the opportunity to update them.

  • CLF Longitudinal word exposure form on Qualtrics after visit

  • At the end of each visit, pull up the clf_suggested_dates form and the gcal and ask them to schedule a new date within the range for the next visit. Add this to the gcal and clf_suggested_dates sheet

After visit:

  • After first visit, check their responses in av_release form and add these to the the Longitudinal CLF participant data sheet

  • Input data collected during tasks into CLF data doc in BLABshare. There is a sheet for each task

  • Create a ‘came in entry’ in filemaker

  • Create a ‘came in entry’ in recruitment_eligible_tracking doc in Blab current studies and conditions sheet.

  • If an eyetracking study, update participant tracking sheet

Naming videos and eyetracking files

  • L_*subjectnumber*_v*visitnumber*_*taskifnecessary*

  • e.g. L_01_v03_felt is video of L_01’s third visit doing the felt task

  • When naming eyetracking file there is no need to add the task, but include task for video of eyetracking

Last updated