Collaboration: Technical Checklists

We want collaboration to be as smooth as possible and we want everyone to spend their time on research and not troubleshooting technical problems.

This document was written mainly with projects that are centered around a single R Markdown document in mind. However, if your aren't using R Markdown, most of the guidelines will still apply. Simply skip things that are specific to R Markdown.

For projects that are centered around R Markdown documents, the minimal goal is for Elika to be able to knit that document after she pulls updates from GitHub. We aren't, however, doing it just for Elika's time's sake, this is a good way to test of the computational reproducibility of your project - something that.

You don't have to follow all the rules/checklist in this document. As long as all collaborators (which could be just you and Elika) agree, feel free to change any given item to your liking or to skip it entirely. However, if you do so, please leave a note about it in


These two checklists are designed for setting the project up. Items in them aren't as much things to do as they are states to be reached once and to be maintained after that.

Organization checklist


R/R-Markdown Checklists

Both R and R Markdown

Specific to R Markdown

When you knit an R Markdown document, it produces several output files. Some will be deleted once knitting is done, some will be retained; some are useful to have versioned under git, some - not so much.

Before passing to collaborators

This checklist is a process checklist - the items are in the intended order of execution.

  1. Wrap up locally. You might need a couple of rounds of these substeps:

    1. Get git status to say "nothing to commit, working tree clean".

    2. Test-run in a fresh RStudio session.

  2. Push to GitHub.

  3. Run an independent test, either

  4. Message your collaborators, attach the pdf.

After receiving from collaborators

If there is an R Markdown to knit:

  1. git pull

  2. renv::restore(clean = TRUE)

  3. Open R Studio, hit "knit".

Status: Zhenya should update this page by 28 Feb 2024.


Last updated