(legacy) global

Information about why and how to get a global basic level column onto all_basiclevel

DO NOT USE! The "all_basiclevel" table now already contains global basic levels.

Why do I need a global basic level?

global_bl will help you organize object words across files. Where the old basic_level was file-dependent and governed by many very specific rules, global_bl is intended to be a straightforward mapping between object words and the dictionary versions of those words. global_bl collapses across words like "dog" and "doggy", making a single category for both of those word types.

Where can I get a spreadsheet with global basic levels?

The best place to get it is at the following path:


At the moment, all_bl_global will always provide you with the data from April 3, 2019. If a new word that was not in SEEDLingS before gets added to all_basiclevel, the script won't work as it's supposed to anymore and Charlotte will have to go in and make a new global_bl for that word. As such, this is the stopgap measure. all_bl_global will have to be manually updated on a regular basis, but this should work until the RAs complete their cleaning.

What do I do if I find a global_bl that I think is wrong?

It's possible there are issues with the current global_bl system. You can either log a complaint on the github or email Charlotte (charlotte.moore@duke.edu) with any issues you find. Please the annotid of the offending entry in your complaint so that I can find it easily.

How do I generate global_bl on my local computer?

Currently, the way you do this is by running a script. A function in blabr that does this instead is coming soon. The script takes a minute to run, but the results are primo.

  1. Clone the git repository.

  2. Open global_bl.Rproj.

  3. Run the script "global_bl_function.R" from start to finish. The entire thing.

  4. Your final product should be a single data frame called all_bl_global.

  5. In order to get this spreadsheet into another R project, you'll have to write it out and then reopen it in that other project. This is temporary.

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