What things are where on the machine
Last updated
What things are where on the machine
Last updated
The camcorder turns on when you open the screen.
In the image below, observe the "2h46m" on the side of the screen closest to the camera body. This is how much recording time is available. On the lowest quality, you should have 6 hours, 35 minutes with an empty 16gb microSD card (what we'll be using). Above that you can see a battery with 3 bars. Ideally, if the camera is plugged in between visits, you should always open the screen and see a full battery (4 bars). A full battery has 2h39min of recording time; if you get a low-battery pop-up, you have 4 minutes and 16 seconds to plug it in. If it dies while recording, it saves what it has recorded.
After unloading data from the SD card, format it (this deletes all data except the helpful stuff) by clicking menu -> setup -> format.
Press this button once (start/stop) to start video recording. Press it once more to make it stop video recording. If the baby is adorable and the parent has signed the AV Release, press the photo button to take a still image while you're recording.
Make sure the lens cover is closed when you're not using the camera, and open when you are.