Participant Naming
Participant name list lives in /Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/VI-HI/SubjectInformation/Scripts/vihi_data_check/VIHI_participant_IDs.csv
Participants should be added to this spreadsheet as soon as we schedule them (for new participants Bergelson Lab is recruiting) or receive any of their data (for studies where another lab is sharing files).
Columns in this spreadsheet:
: sensory condition
: name assigned to the participant upon scheduling or receiving files
: previous participant name, either from outdated naming scheme or other lab's naming system. Can mark NA for new VI-HI participants
: method of data collection. Currently (9/10/2019): Survey (sensory impairment survey), CDI, eyetracking, EEG, play_session, or LENA
: where the data came from. VIHI if Bergelson Lab is newly collected. Otherwise name of lab or corpus. Currently (9/10/2019): VIHI, Ambrose, OSU, ELSSP, Cougars, Warlaumont, Seedlings
: Is the age in days correct, or is it an estimate? y or n
Participant name consists of three parts:
Condition: two letters
TD (typically developing)
HI (hearing impairment)
VI (vision impairment)
Subject Number: three numbers
VIHI participants begin at VI/HI/TD_001
Before assigning a new participant name or creating a CDI, check the spreadsheet to make sure you are using a new, unique subject number for each participant
If a VIHI participant is returning to do another study, they must be assigned the same subject number -- only age in days will change
ELSSP participants begin at HI_500
Ambrose and OSU participants begin at TD/HI_400
Age in days: usually three numbers
from birth date to test date
if only age in months is available (as is the case for a handful of our corpus participants), use age in months X 30.5, and mark "n" in the
columnparticipants older than 33 months will have a four-digit age in days
Last updated