LENA Troubleshooting

DISCLAIMER: There are a host of issues that can arise during processing. These are some of the possible problems and how to go about finding the appropriate solutions.

Processing Failures

Error Type: LENA software does not process the file properly

  1. You will see that the file does not have an appropriate check mark in its corresponding ''calendar box''

  2. Close LENA Pro

  3. You will need to locate a copy of the .upl file in order to restart LENA's internal processing of the audio data

  4. Navigate to the following path (assuming you are on the local machine) C:\Program Data\LENA\storage\dataproc\jobs and find the relevant job folder for the file of interest

  5. The file naming convention is as follows:

    a. Example: e20140220_153104_004444

    i. e = exported from LENA
    ii. 20140220 = date file uploaded from DLP to LENA, YYYYMMDD (here, 20 February 2014)
    iii. 153104 = time file uploaded from DLP to LENA, HHMMSS in a 24-hour format (here, 3:31:04 p.m)
    iv. 004444 = the Serial Number of the DLP used to record the child (here, #4444)

    b. You will be able to figure out which job folder based on upload data and DLP #, both of which show in the Digital Language Processor screen

    c. Make a COPY of the .upl file onto the desktop and move it into the ''audioxfer folder''

  6. Open LENA, and the job will start processing from scratch

NOTE: Sometimes the issue involves inconsistent recording times: the date recorded on the Client List of the previously-recorded LENA file does not match up with the date that is shown on the window when you re-process the job. Pay special attention to the dates in this step if you are facing that issue.

  1. If processing succeeds you may delete the extra .upl file from your computer

Error Type: LENA software '''FAILED''' in processing

  1. Close LENA.

  2. Check in the jobs folder (LENA\storage\dataproc\jobs) for a folder/directory with the file name that matches the file of interest

  3. You will likely see a jobs folder with this file name in the name. You can rename the folder with an x in front of it or just move it out of the jobs folder; doing so will cause LENA to start processing from scratch.

  4. Verify that the .upl file of the same name is also in LENA\storage\audioxfer

  5. You'll see that there is also a copy of the .upl in the jobs folder in addition to the audioxfer location (after a file processes successfully LENA cleans up the copy in the jobs folder)

  6. Launch LENA, and the file should start reprocessing

Last updated