EEG Visits
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During the Experiment: Inside the Booth
Running the Experiment: Outside the Booth
EEG visits are scheduled through RPAD (VImp). Find instructions here!
As soon as the visit is scheduled, email Colleen Bauer for the parking pass. A template for this is available in the VImp email drafts folder of
We want experimenters to arrive 30 minutes before the visit start time. Meet in the LSRC waiting room (B243C).
Please be aware that it takes about 10 minutes to walk from Reuben-Cooke to LSRC.
Take a couple minutes to make sure that the waiting room looks clean and tidy. Coats should be on the hook (not on chair backs), and backpacks should be up on the shelves or tucked beneath the desks. Floor should be clean and clear for baby to play.
Get the paperwork ready for you and the family. In the bottom drawer of the leftmost drawers, you'll find a manila folder with all of the paperwork. The top drawer contains parking passes. Set the paperwork out on the two clipboards.
Clipboard 1 (for parents, should be the nicer looking clipboard):
Clipboard 2 (for you):
NOTE: EEG visits have a specific parking pass associated with them. Make sure that the parking pass you take matches the date and time of your visit. Note which number spot families are assigned.
Fill a cup with warm water. If the sink in the experiment room is taking too long to warm up, go across the hall to the CCN lounge, and fill the cup halfway with hot water and then add a bit of cool water. The water should be warm, but not uncomfortable to the touch.
Fill 2-3 applicators (depending on number of experimenters) with blue. Make sure to use a towel or napkin to wipe excess gel from the sides. Place the applicators in the cup of water and leave them to warm.
Turn speaker volume up all the way and computer volume to 65.
Open youtube on chrome, click the red E in the upper right corner, and go to "Your Channel". Open the playlist "VImp songs", and make the video full screen.
In the booth, make sure that the screen mirrors the screen with the video. If it does not, feel under the right side of the monitor for the buttons. Press the second button from the right twice to change the screen. It may take a second for it to switch.
While you're in the booth, make sure that it is tidy and ready for the family. Get rid of any sticker backings, trash, and excess toys that may have made their way into the room. Check under the desk for toys (you'll usually find a few).
Back on the computer, open Tasks/Erin/Mills
and open up the Mills Presentation Experiment. Enter the participant ID.
Create a folder for the participant under Data/BergelsonLab/TD
(or TA
if adult)
Open VImp_template.txt
(in Data/BergelsonLab/TD
). Enter relevant participant details, then Save As participantID.txt
in the folder you just created.
Open Brainvision Pycorder.
Open Logi Capture. Make sure that the camera has a clear view of where the infant will be sitting.
15 minutes before the scheduled visit time, go meet the family at the roundabout.
Check the calendar to find out what car you should go look for. Then take the parking pass and a lysol wipe to the roundabout, where you'll meet the car.
While walking out to get the family, and while walking them back to the lab, use the lysol wipe to open any doors you/the family come in contact with.
On your way out, check if the door is unlocked. If not, text one of the experimenters so that someone can meet you at the door to let the family in.
Meet family at the roundabout. Introduce yourself politely, say who you are and that you work in the Bergelson Lab. Thank family for coming in.
Scan them in to the parking lot abutting the roundabout.
If you're having issues at the gate: - Make sure the car is over the weight plate (within 2 feet or so of hitting the block bar) - Make sure the QR code is held ~5 inches away from the red laser - Make sure the QR code is not defaced - Still not working? Call or slack the experimenter - Apologize, walk quickly towards the LSRC, and, once out of eye-sight, sprint to the experimenter and get a substitute pass from the drawer. Ideally, replacement pass should be for the same spot number, but regardless, participants will need to park in the spot indicated on the first pass, and the original parking pass is the one that should go on their dashboard. - Try that one. - Then walk with them down the the parking lot. - Make sure they park in the correct spot. The numbers are hard to see from a car, so you'd maximize your helpfulness if you waved them to the correct spot. (The sign below is parking spot 007)
The parking pass should be face up on their dashboard.
This first form is our informed consent, which you may have seen already in the email. It tells you about the risks and benefits of participating in this study, and also about what we're going to be doing here today. Feel free to interrupt me at any point if you have questions.
In terms of risks and benefits, there aren't many of either. The risk, is that he/she could become fussy. If that happens, we're happy to take a break or stop altogether. The benefit is that you will receive $20 per hour for coming in today, and of course, you'll be helping us learn more about baby language learning.
For what we'll be doing here today, the first step is that (experimenter name) will measure your child's head. This tells us what size cap will fit them best. The caps (show cap) are basically a swim cap with a bunch of holes. Into each of these holes, we'll put a sensor.
Since the sensors don't sit directly on his/her head, we need to put a bit of gel into each sensor using one of these applicators (show applicator). The applicators are completely blunt (twirl applicator on palm of your hand). The tip is just made of plastic. We use this to be able to get into the small opening on the sensor and to move some hair out of the way.
The gel is basically a salty hair gel. Fine to eat, but it doesn't taste good. We'll do our best to help you get a fair amount of the gel out before you leave here, but he/she will still need to take a bath when you get home to get the rest of the gel.
Putting on the cap and gel takes the longest and is the least fun. We'll follow your lead, and we're happy to stop or take breaks. We'll also have toys, music, and bubbles as a distraction.
For the actual experiment, he/she will sit on your lap and listen to words for 7-8 minutes. Since this can be a little boring, we'll have one of us sit in the booth with you guys to provide some distraction.
Do you have any questions about any of this?
This next form is our photo-video release.
During the experiment, we have a camera in the corner of the room. This lets us see what was going on and compare it to our data. If the data look super crazy, maybe it's because he/she was chewing or doing a handstand in there.
This form also covers photos you give us. If you think (baby name) looks super cute in the cap, you're welcome to take a picture before/after the experiment, and we love it when parents share photos with us.
On the back, the first set of boxes is for how you're comfortable with images being shared. You can check off whichever uses you feel comfortable with -- and it's okay if you decide not to check any of them.
The second set of boxes is for how you'd like he/she to be identified with those photos.
The third set of boxes is for how you'd like to be credited for images you share with us.
If we'd like to use a photo/video for one of the uses you give permission for today, we'll still reach out to you before we use the image to make sure it's still okay.
This is our demographics form. You're welcome to fill out as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.
This form may be filled out before or after the experiment based on timing. If the experimenter is still prepping the cap, or the infant is still warming up the the experimenters, you can do this one before. Otherwise, complete this form after the experiment.
Alright, for this next form, I'm going to ask you how often your child hears the words in the experiment (hand parent the scale) on a scale from (point to scale) 1 -- he/she never hears the word, to 5 -- he/she hears the word several times a day.
How often does he/she hear the word "ball"? Does he/she say "ball"? (Repeat for other words on form)
Get out the tape measure. While on person is distracting the baby with toys, another person should measure the baby's head two ways:
from the indent between the eyebrows to the bump on the back of the head (nasion to inion), in cm. Take 10% of this distance, then meaure from nasion to the 10% mark and put your finger there.
Starting with the tape measure where your finger is, measure the circumference of the baby's head, making sure the tape measure goes around the widest part of the head. This distance in cm is the size cap you should use (if the baby is super calm, round down, otherwise round up).
Using the BABY electrode map, and the bundle of 32 infant electrodes (smaller and flatter), place numbered electrodes in their corresponding slots on the cap you picked by measuring. Electrodes slide in and you will feel it click into place.
Always grab electrodes by the hard plastic, not by the wire.
Take extra care not to let the bundle get wet or be handled roughly.
If you need to remove infant electrodes, gently slide them out.
If you need to remove adult electrodes, you must use the special tool.
Bring the tactile board and turn on the VImp songs playlist, baby shark, sesame street, or anything infant appropriate that the parent requests. Since capping is not that much fun, we have to walk a fine line between entertaining the baby and overstimulating. Follow the baby's lead they all have different personalities! We want the baby to focus on the screen or song or toys while we try to cap.
TO PLACE THE CAP: Experimenter 1 comes around the front, facing the baby, and stretches the cap over their forehead, with the front reaching just about their eyebrow line. Experimenter 2 quickly pulls the rest of the cap over the back of their head. If possible, adjust the cap from side to side so that it is even.
Plug it in (experimenter 2): Plug in battery: Unplug the battery pack with the white sticker on top (it has longer battery life) from where it's charging, and place it underneath the amplifier.
Plug the amplifier into the battery pack by lining up the notches on the plug. Always handle by the plug and not the cord.
After participant is seated, plug the electrode bundles into the top of the amplifier. Adults use both slots (make sure to line up electrode numbers with numbers on amplifier). Infants only use the bottom slot.
Commence gelling: Experimenter 2/3 turn on impedence mode. On the right computer (where you can see EEG mode), there is a button on the screen that says "Impedence mode."
Experimenter 1 and 2: To be able to get an accurate impedence reading for all the electrodes, you must first gel the two mastoids and the grounding electrode (indicated on the map).
Place the tip of the applicator in the hole of the electrode, angling toward to electrode sensor. Twirl gently to move hair out of the way while pressing down on applicator plunger. Continue to add gel or twirl until indicator turns green (reaches below 15). Be careful-- too much gel can lead to bridging metween electrodes!
Experimenter 3: To refill syringes with blue gel from the plastic container by the sink, remove the tip, place the end of the applicator in the gel while pulling up on the plunger, then put the tip back on and wipe off any excess gel.
Once most of the channels are green (prioritizing mastoids, ground, and frontal electrodes), experimenter 2, take the impedence screenshot! You're ready to get started on the experiment to maintain the baby's attention span!
Ask parents what music/shows the baby likes. Always ask parents if it is OK to show them videos. If so, play them.
Blow the bubbles upwards, they last longer, and make the room magical. However, make sure bubbles don't touch the wirebox part of the eeg wire system, or the plug ends of the wires. They're super delicate and should not ever have ANY water/liquid touch them
Take breaks from upsetting activity and remind parents that it's okay to take breaks!
Offer new toys\
Experimenter 1 (generally) stays in the booth to help keep the baby during the experiment. We make the decision of who will be in the booth right before the experiment, based on who the baby has bonded with, and whether the baby seems like he/she might prefer a new face vs. someone they've interacted with a lot already.
We want the baby to be as still as possible and to remain engaged with the task. This is not always possible, since the experiment is repetitive and babies get bored easily.
1) make sure you have enough toys/props. Variety matters. Make sure you notice which toys the baby enjoyed when the parent was filling out paperwork. Place the bucket towards the front of the screen so that baby is not super distracted when you are reaching for toys.
2) it is VERY important that you DO NOT take noisy toys inside the booth. The noise will interfere with the experiment.
3) Avoid bubbles as much as possible once the experiment begins, and if you MUST use them, make sure you are not blowing them onto cables or EEG wires.
4) Maintain baby's focus on the center of the screen. You can place a toy and move it around.
5) At some point, baby will try to look at you or mom. Try to redirect attention towards the front of the screen. We know that turning happens, but we want to avoid it as much as possible because the muscle movement creates messier data.
6) Try new toys every few minutes or if baby gets bored.
7) It is OK if baby wants to touch or play with a toy, including the keyboard. If you notice that baby is moving too much, try to redirect attention.
8) Give a thumbs up to the camera when you feel like the baby has settled down, and you are ready for the experiment to begin.
9) If things are going poorly, you think a break would help OR you feel like you want another experimenter to trade places with you, put your hand out flat, palm-facing the camera.
Experiment will run for 8.5 minutes. If the experiment needs to be paused at anytime, press P to pause and then P to play the experiment again.
Experimenter 3: Watch the video stream of the experiment, and if the baby starts to look fussy, we may need to pause midway. Be prepared to run to the waiting room and get some extra quiet toys that the experimenter could use to distract the baby.
Experimenter 2: Start recording on the EEG collection computer on PyCorder (EEG) and Logitech Prostream (video). Make a note of experiment start time. In the notes file, take timed notes of behavior changes (e.g. baby gets fussy, baby calms down, parents talks, etc. with corresponding timestamp) by watching the video. Using the waves, make notes of electrodes that look wildly different from the others or any suspicious activity.
Experimenter 1: Bring baby wipes into the booth (if they're not there already) and help remove gel from baby's head.
If you haven't done word exposure yet, do that now. (script above). Check with experimenters to make sure that webCDI has been completed.
The EEG payment form looks different from the one we use for other studies. Before you do this form, get the money from the cash box.
This last form is our payment form. On this one, I need your signature and printed name on this line, his/her name on this line, and your complete mailing address on this line. Down here I need either your Duke ID or SSN.
Walk them to their car, and scan them out at the roundabout. Recycle the parking pass on the way back up to the waiting room.
There are disinfectant wipes (different from baby wipes!) in the bottom drawer under the prizes in the waiting room.
Tidy the experiment room: When you're putting toys away after a visit, please grab a wipe and clean toys before putting them back on the shelf in the waiting room, and be doubly sure to wipe down any toys in the bucket. Also wipe down high-touch surfaces in the booth (pens, counter, light switches, chairs, door knobs, etc.).
Wash the cap and applicators using the sink outside the experiment room. There is baby shampoo there. Make sure to use the brush to remove electrode gel from every single hole in the cap.
Collect all of the forms. Make sure one of the experimenters signs consent, photo-video release, and payment form. Place all of the forms back in the manila folder. Bring this folder back to Reuben-Cooke 114.
Experimenter 2:
Wash electrode bundle using the bag (tm). Use the toothbrush to remove gel from electrodes. Avoid brushing hard over the sensor and don't get the bundle wet! Make sure to get every single sensor.
Once the bundle and cap have been washed, place for 20 minutes in the metricide for disinfection. Don't touch or breathe or drink the chemicals.
Experimenter 3:
Tidy the waiting room: When you're putting toys away after a visit, please grab a wipe and clean toys before putting them back on the shelf in the waiting room, and be doubly sure to wipe down any toys in the bucket. Also wipe down high-touch surfaces (pens, counter, light switches, chairs, door knobs, etc.).\