Skips, Silences, Make Up Regions & Extra Time

When using Subregions, original coders could mark sections as skips or silences, and if they occurred within a coded Subregion, they would make up that time elsewhere in the file.


Coding convention:

%com:    begin skip
%com:    end skip

What's skippable? A skippable section is a long time period (more than 10 minutes) that does not contain decipherable language. Skips were added in first pass annotation to save the second coder time and delineate regions of the audio that are not linguistically representative of awake, alert time for the baby.

During audio checks, you should:

  • Make sure skips DO NOT contain personal information

  • Make sure skips DO NOT contain any decipherable language, even non-object words (ex. regions should not be skips if baby is awake and alert in a room where there is talking, but no words are directed towards the baby)

  • Mark naps as skips.

  • If baby is alone for more than 10 minutes (i.e. mom left the room), count as skip.

  • Mark car rides with no audible words directed at the child as skips.

  • Mark shopping trips with no audible words as skips.

  • Make sure any skips have a begin and end comment.

  • Make sure skips are documented in Audio_Coding_Issues using timestamps.


Coding convention:

%xcom:	silence 1 of 4 starts at 5160825.943 -- previous timestamp adjusted: was 5162890
%xcom:	silence 1 of 4 ends at 10879188.255 -- previous timestamp adjusted: was 10879240

Silences were inserted into the .cha programmatically after audio processing. If a silence occurs during a subregion, audio checkers do not have to listen to the silence. Silences that occur during subregions should have been made up using a make up region (time from lowest ranked subregion) or extra time (time made up outside of subregions). Silence comments should not be altered in any way by coders!

Make Up Regions

Coding convention:

%com:    begin make up region
%com:    end make up region

There's one space and no hyphen between "make" and "up"!!

A make up region is used to make up time where a skip or silence happened within a subregion. If the coder was able to use the lowest ranked subregion (or one of the lowest ranked, in files where top 3 subregions were coded), then any time made up within a subregion is called a "make up region." Minutes to make up are calculated using the Fancy Skip Calculator in the Seedlings folder on opus.

Extra Time

Coding convention:

%com:    begin extra time
%com:    end extra time

Extra time could have been used to make up time where a skip or silence happened within a subregion, but if the coder could not use the lowest ranked subregion for some reason, or if the coder found a talkative section elsewhere in the file, or if the coder only needed a few minutes of time, and decided to continue coding immediately after the subregion they were just coding. Extra time is any coding that happens outside of subregions. Minutes of extra time count toward the same total as make up regions and can be added up using the Fancy Skip Calculator in the Seedlings folder on opus.

Fancy Skip Calculator

If you add a skip, you should use the Skip Calculator to calculate how much time should be made up. Remember, it only counts as a skip if it's longer than 10 minutes!

Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/Seedlings/Fancy Skip Calculator.xlsx

But usually, you won't be adding new skips in Annotation Checks. The Skip Calculator is still useful because you can add up the skips that were already in the file, and check to see that the right amount of time is made up.

Open the excel sheet. On the left side, in Begin time column, paste the first number in the timestamp immediately after the begin skip comment:

Then paste the second half of the timestamp just before the end skip comment in the End time column.

"Total Minutes" should automatically populate. You can leave

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