Sharing Rules and Permissions
For any recordings or transcriptions from Seedlings, including later ACLEW projects
Permissions for each recording for each child by each month can be found in Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/Seedlings/Subject_Info_and_Paperwork/Sharing_Permissions/Updated_all_SEEDLingS_permissions.xlsx
This spreadsheet details whether participants' parents agreed to release their recordings to a) authorized researchers (e.g. including collaborators who want to use our corpora, via Databrary) and b) to show excerpts and images (e.g. to a broader interested audience, no research intent required, including presentations).
Original Release Language
On the release form for each recording, parents had everyone they interacted with sign for themselves and their children to agree to be recorded. The release form for Databrary and CHILDES sharing (found in Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/Seedlings/Subject_Info_and_Paperwork/All_Paperwork
) stated the following:
"Material from this session may include (a) video/audio reordings, photographs, and images; (b) other information such as age, birth date, sex, ethnicity, education, and self-reported health information; and (c) information suplied by researchers who analyze data from this session. These libraries allow only authorized researchers to have access to shared information. Data sharing will lead to faster progress in research on human development and behavior.
If you agree to share your data, this form also requests permission to allow authorized Databrary or CHILDES researchers to show selected video excerpts and images from recordings of this session for scientific presentations and/or informational and educational purposes, but never for commercial purposes.
Giving permission to share your information in Databrary or CHILDES is separate from consenting to participate in a research study. You do not have to give permission to share your information in these libraries. You can agree to share your data, but not agree to allow researchers to show excerpts and images. Your choices will not ffect receipt of payment if offered for participation in this or future studies.
Will the information be kept confidential (Private)?
No information will be included in the data libraries about how to contact you or your family. No data files will be identified by anyone’s name. However, images and/or voices of people in the recordings may be seen or heard. First and/or last names of people may be spoken aloud. In addition, other information may have been collected about you, your child, or your family in conjunction with this session. Thus, someone might be able to identify you, your child, or other people unintentionally. But, the authorized researchers with access to the libraries have agreed not to reveal the identities of people in the libraries.
Who has access to information in the libraries?
Only authorized researchwrs will have access to information in the libraries. Researchers who are granted access must agree to maintain confidentiality and not use information for commercial purposes. Researchers promise to treat information in the libraries with the same high standards of care that they treat information collected in their own laboratories.
How long will information remain in the libraries?
Information in the libraries will be preserved indefinitely in a secure location so that future researchers can use it. Permission to share can be revoked, but information previously shared cannot be retrieved.
I give permission to share the material from this session with authorized researchers in secure data libraries called Databrary and CHILDES.
I give permission for authorized Databrary or CHILDES researchers to show selected video excerpts and images from recordings of this session for scientific presentations and/or informational and educational purposes but never for commercial purposes. I trust that authorized researchers will use professional judgment and uphold ethical principles in determining which excerpts and images to share.”
18-Month privacy form
On their last visit, however, we also gave them a form (Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/Seedlings/Subject_Info_and_Paperwork/18-month visit/Personal Information for Families.docx
) with information about what information we will remove before sharing.
"We respect your privacy. If you gave us permission to share the files with other researchers, or clips at conferences, we take the extra step of removing information we deem personal. We remove the following types of information from the video and/or audio before sharing or showing the data: a) full names b) home addresses c) email addresses d) credit card numbers e) social security numbers f) passwords (e.g. phone password) g) full dates of birth of family members h) any incidental nudity of adults or siblings i) information deemed sensitive, concerning health, finances, or family matters j) any sections you've asked us to remove (e.g. "do not share from when we arrived to the café until when we left") We are happy to address any concerns you may have."
For more information about how these guidelines were implemented during the original SEEDLingS noun coding, see Personal Information Guidelines in the coding section of this gitbook page.
In any future projects in which SEEDLingS recordings are used, we should also use these guidelines to remove personal information prior to sharing.
Last updated