Video Annotation Checks
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Last updated
Make a working file for your assigned file. Working files (in /Volumes/Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/Seedlings/Working_Files) should be named [SubNum]_[Month] and should have subfolders for audio and video. Copy the following files from Subject Files into the video folder of your Working Files subfolder:
From Subject_Files/[XX]/[XX_XX]/Home_Visit/Coding/Video_Annotation:
**Make sure .opf file is just in the [XX_XX]_sparse_code.opf If there is extra information (i.e. coder initials), remove it!! It will affect running scripts later. E.g. "01_02_coderABC_final.opf" --> "01_02_sparse_code.opf"
Open the Coding Issues document and read through the information that's available.
NOTE! If there is not a Coding_Issues document already, make one and fill it out as you check the file.
Open the opf in Datavyu. If the video doesn't automatically pop up, and you get a window telling you that the media file can't be found, select "Ok" and then attach the .mp4 video file from Subject_Files using the "Add Data" button on the Datavyu controller.
Navigate through the file structure to the video you are coding. The videos live in Subject_Files/XX/XX_XX/Home_Visit/Processing/Video_Files. The video you want will be named XX_XX_video.mp4.
If you are on a PC, when you attach the video, select the VLC plugin from the bottom dropdown menu before you click "Attach."
Watch the video from the beginning using the Datavyu controller, and stop when an object word is directed to the child. Object words should already be coded, but words might have been missed, or words that should not be coded might have been coded. Your job is to determine whether you agree with the original coder. (You can use the 'Enable cell highlighting' or 'Highlight and focus' functions on Data Viewer Controller to keep track of the cells)
Make sure each cell in the spreadsheet that has a cell onset before the utterance begins, and cell offset after the utterance.
The utterance is the sentence or clause of the sentence that contains the object word. So, if you're coding "flower" in the sentence "Look at the flower," you will want the cell onset to be just before "Look," and the offset to be just after "flower."
Check that you agree with each code, and that there is one code per field (labeled object, utterance type, presence, speaker).
Continue this process for the entire video. Save frequently!
When you add cells, there will be a field labeled <id>. You should just leave it blank. You'll fill it in at the end of the check when you run scripts. Also, don't delete or alter any of the Annotation IDs that are already present in the file.
Multiple object words in one utterance: For utterances with more than one object word, e.g. "There are eight legs on the octopus", create two different cells for the two object words, but they should have the same timestamps. You can copy and paste the first and second timestamps into the second cell.
Comments: Use point-cells for comments. (These are cells where the onset and offset are equal.)
a. To enter a comment, insert a point cell using the equal sign on the number pad.
b. Put your comment in the first field, starting with '%com:', and put NA (capital letters) in the other 3 fields). c. If there is a comment cell with onset and offset times that are not equal, you can copy the onset timestamp and paste it into the offset space.
Personal Information: Personal information should be recorded in one cell, with the start and end timestamps corresponding to the region of personal info. Include whether it is sensitive information found on video (ex. butt showing on camera) or audio (ex. credit card number). Here are some examples:
video personal info: %com: personal information [video]: private body part, NA, NA, NA
audio personal info: %com: personal information [audio]: credit card number, NA, NA, NA
video and audio personal info: %com: personal information [video][audio]: bathroom, NA, NA, NA
IMPORTANT: If you mark any NEW section of personal information in a video, you need to make an Asana task called Video Scrubbing [XX_XX] with the subject number and month of your video. Assign the task to the lab manager for scrubbing. Make a note in the comments section of the task as to whether the new PI is audio or video.
Child Utterances: See Child Productions for more information. Code any object words that the child says as usual, with speaker code CHI.
PHO cells: You may see CHI utterances with a corresponding "%pho: ###" comment, you do not have to do anything with these.
Multi-word utterances: If the child says anything more than just one isolated word, there should be a multi word utterance comment. Code any object words in the utterance as usual. Then, make a comment cell using the following format: %com: mwu, "It's my juice cup!", NA, NA
Check to see that your Scripts panel in the bottom left hand corner of the Datavyu window is set to the following path: Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/Seedlings/Scripts_and_Apps/Github/seedlings/datavyu. If it is not, select Script from the menu bar, then Set Favorites Folder, and navigate to this folder.
There is currently no script to add annotation ids. See Audio Add Annotation IDsfor details and instructions.
This script should also be located in the Favorites panel in the bottom left-hand corner of the Datavyu window. This script will tell you if you have any blank fields, or illegal characters. If you get an error message, or if you cannot decipher what the issue is from the script output, notify lab staff, who can help you figure out what's wrong.
You can safely ignore warnings related to duplicate annotation ids. The previous script handles those. Just pay attention to the issues related to formatting. The annotation id warnings will be removed shortly.