How To: Add yourself or new blab-core members to a Campus IRB
Any new blab-core member that will be working on studies under a given protocol must first complete their Duke CITI certification and then be added to that protocol.
The IRB prefers that we do NOT add undergraduate RAs to protocols unless they are working on data analysis for that project specifically- e.g., if they are doing an independent study or grad with distinction project.
Get the Additional Personnel FORMS
THIS should link you directly to the doc download. (If it doesn't, click on "Amendment Forms" then "Additional Personnel Form").
Download it to psych/BergelsonLab/Lab_Documentation/Protocols/[protocolnumber_name]/in_progress and rename it to "ProtocolNumber_AdditionalPersonnel_adding[initials].docx"
Find the most recent protocol doc
It should be in the same protocol number directory under the "current_protocol" subfolder. Open the document for easy copying and pasting in the next step.
Fill in the information at the top and the "new personnel" boxes
From the current protocol doc, look for the relevant information, including protocol number, title, and current researchers.
For the department, fill in Psychology & Neuroscience. For phone number, feel free to use the lab phone number: 919-984-9429.
To fill in the signature line, it's probably best if you sign a piece of paper, take a photo of it, make it black and white, increase contract and decrease shadows, crop it as much as you can make sure it's rotated correctly, and email it to yourself. Then copy-paste the photo onto the signature pane.
Double check with Elika
Then email the amendment form as an attachment to
During this step, you may also ask the IRB to remove old members from the protocol if they are no longer in the lab or involved with the project. You can just write the request to remove in the body of the email.
Add the new members to the protcol spreadsheet
Add rows under the list of lab members on that protocol and list the new folks you've added.
Once approved, do the following
Move additional personnel form to "amendments_renewals"
Copy the signature boxes to the current protocol.
Last updated