Getting the Data & Setting Everything Up
HL stands for Hearing Loss, NH stands for Normal Hearing.
Last updated
HL stands for Hearing Loss, NH stands for Normal Hearing.
Last updated
Currently, all of the data has already been downloaded. It can be found in Psych:
For HL:
For NH:
The data was retrieved from the CHILDES index, collected by Ambrose/Moeller. This dataset included both .cha files and .mp4 files. To download the .cha files, click on the link and then click on "Download CHAT Transcripts." This will automatically download a zip file of all months of the .cha files for that particular dataset.
For HL:
.cha files and .mp4 files
For NH:
.cha files and .mp4 files
The picture above shows how the data is organized in Psych.
cha_to_datavyu_scripts includes the README and the two scripts to transfer the data from a .cha format to a .opf format. These scripts were written by Gladys, the Bergelson Lab Tech.
Testing includes all of the original scripts and other testing documents.
data_tree is the main branch of all of the data. It splits into HL and NH. Each of those splits up into 5 months -- 13, 18, 22, 27, and 36.
The HL folder includes a subfolder labled no_cha: this represents lost data.
Each month is split up into cha_filess, mp4_files, and opf_files.
All data should be saved into the right place. The .cha files and .mp4 files SHOULD NOT BE EDITED (except in specific situations outlined in the next tutorial). Only the .opf files should be edited.
OK, now that everything is in place, time to put the .cha files into .opf format! This is where the real ride starts.