is_silent tier
Adding a new is_silent tier will give us a rough shot measure of how many intervals throughout the file just contain no speech and therefore no data. The tier is coded on a controlled vocabulary consisting of Y or N, Y corresponding with "is silent, contains no codes" and N corresponding with "is NOT silent, contains codes." It is a subtier of sampling_type and contains all the same intervals.
The goal is to do these for random intervals FIRST, but eventually for high volume and extra segments as well. There should be no reason a high volubility segment would be silent, but there is a small chance, so we're doing it just in case. Zhenya is using these as a proxy to determine what intervals have been completed in a file.
To add manually, after an .eaf file with both random and high volubility segments has already been generated:
Should be done during the superchecking step, after a chunk of segments have been coded
In ELAN, open the file you want to supercheck and add "is_silent" codes to.
Go to "edit"> "Edit controlled vocabularies..." and on the right sidebar of the top half of the popup, click "External CV" second from bottom.
Navigate the browser path to
and click import.Then go to Type> Add new tier type... Name the type "is_silent", stereoptype "symbolic association" and use controlled vocabulary "is_silent." Click add and close this window.
Now go to Tier>Add new tier... Name the tier "is_silent," parent tier "sampling_type," and type "is_silent." Click Add and close this window
Now go to Tier> Copy annotations from tier to tier. Copy all the annotations from the sampling_type tier to the is_silent tier.
ONLY FOR INTERVALS THAT HAVE BEEN CODED, either random or hi-vol: Code for each interval whether or not it is silent, using the notes in the corresponding coding issues document, the aclew spreadsheet, listening to the file, or checking if there are any codes on any tier for the duration of that interval.
NOTE: things like instrumental music, car, or fan sounds may be present, but the interval still counts as silent if there is no EE1 or live speech.
Last updated