CLAN Check - Troubleshooting
Common errors you might get when you run CLAN check (Esc+L).
Last updated
Common errors you might get when you run CLAN check (Esc+L).
Last updated
Solution: Place a period before the timestamp bullet.
Solution: Remove excess periods. This usually happens on a CHN tier. It should have one period on the last line of the tier. You can remove any periods before the last tier.
Solution: change one %com to %xcom
On every line, between the colon and the beginning of the content should be a TAB. If it's just a space, CLAN will highlight it and you can erase the space and add a TAB. Weird formatting means they'll look the same to the naked eye.
Same goes for punctuation within words. CLAN won't allow periods or apostrophes within annotated words.
If you get timestamp errors in CLAN, flag the issue to lab staff either through an Asana task, an email, or in person.