Eyetracking Video Management
Importing Videos
When the camcorder in the Eye-tracking room has less than 15 minutes on the screen, replace the camcorder in the room with a clean one from the staff room shelf
Plug the camcorder into any PC in the lab using the usb jack
Create a new folder with today's date in Opus/Subject_Files/Eyetracking_Videos
Drag all the folders from the camcorder drive (labeled with dates of recordings) into the folder you created
After Importing
After importing the videos; check that the file size of all the folders in the camcorder drive matches (or is very close to) their corresponding folders in the newly created directory on Opus. Eject the camcorder from the computer
Plug in the camcorder to be charged in the wall
After the camcorder is charged, format it by going to Menu -> Setup -> Format -> Memory Card -> OK on the camera itself
Sorting Videos
All videos must be moved into their respective subject's directory in the In-Lab_Visit/Eyetracking folder. Any picture book studies completed after that month's in-lab experiments (i.e. Picture Book round 2) are also sorted into the same folder under the month in which it was tested.
When sorting the Eyetracking videos, you need to have the following three things open:
a. The ETracking_Notes_Issues.xlsx spreadsheet found in the following directory: Opus/Subject_Files/Eyetracking_Videos (this is where you will take notes on any lost files or any usual happenings)
b. The Filenaming spreadsheet found here (this will help when naming the various eyetracking sessions; semcat, picture book, etc.)
c. The Seedlings Lab Visits Google Calendar; all videos are sorted by date, so make sure to confirm what you are organizing with the Google calendar
Sort videos by name
There should be a smaller video in each sub-folder that you are organizing; this contains a short view of a dry-erase board, labeled with the subID and date for the visit a. Label this file as subjectnumbervisitmonth (i.e. 0106)
The first video following the board clip (if it's larger than 200MB) is a recording of the session in the Eye-tracking room
If the board is only labeled with the subID and does not contain a notation like "pbook" or "picture book", then the first video after the labeled board is typically of the main eye-tracking session for that month's in-lab visit
a. Use the Google Calendar to confirm whether the baby was present in the lab for the month's in-lab visit or just a picture book session
b. Use the Filenaming spreadsheet to label the video with the correct nomenclature
Any clips after these two videos (board with label & main ET session) can be any of the following:
a. Picture book (round 1)
b. SEMCAT study
c. A re-do of the 6-month eye-tracking session (should occur at 12 and 18 months)
The Google Calendar is an excellent resource in seeing whether or not any of the above tests were supposed to happen on that days' visit
Move all videos to their proper location for each subject (i.e. /Subject_Files/01_05-19-2014/01_06/In-Lab_Visit/Eyetracking)
Take notes in the ETracking_Notes_Issues.xlsx spreadsheet if:
a. There were any issues with categorizing or moving files (e.g. you're not sure which visit the video is, which study it is, etc.)
b. There were signs labeling a visit but they were not followed by a session video; this could be due to rescheduling or an error while recording (this is the most important reason to record)
The only thing that should remain in the Opus/Subject_Files/Eyetracking_Videos folder you created should be the "labeled board files"
Last updated