SEEDLingS PB Study
BLAB RAs: This is for the SEEDLingS Picture Book study.
Getting Started
Please refer to the Picture_Book_IDs file on Opus in the Picture Book Study folder within the Subject_Info_and_Paperwork folder to see when each family should be given the picture book.
Starting at the 8-month in-lab visit, explain the picture book study, without too much detail, to parents. Tell them which month they've been assigned to do this and see if they want to do it earlier (encourage some parents to switch into the 10 month group in particular, since lots will probably switch out of that group)
Picture Book Study should be explained in detail to parents at the in lab visit closest to their PB study lab date. Show parents the book and explain the process and let them know that they will be getting the book at their home visit next month.
Before the home visit at which the family will be receiving the picture book, prepare a packet that contains the book, 12 picture cards (4 of each item), a USB recorder, a USB charger, and the picture book study instructions. a. Make sure the book has a reading log sheet taped into the back.
Study Instructions
Please read the book to your child twice a day for two weeks: once in the morning and once in the evening.
Record each session using the small USB audio recorder.
Use the session-log in the back of the book to keep a record of each reading session.
We have included picture cards that you can use to make the story more interactive if desired. You and/or your child can match the cards to the pictures in the book.
If a parent asks what happens if they skip a reading or a day, let them know that this is ok and just to make note of it on the reading log.
Operating the USB Recorder
[please add images to this section, and to the instructions sheet, to show each of these things]
To turn on: slide the power button to the "ON" position. The light on the recorder will be red. When it turns blue, it is recording.
To turn off: slide power button to the "OFF" position.
Charging: If you notice the blue light does not turn on, the recorder needs to be charged. a. Use the USB adapter in any power outlet or plug the recorder into a USB port on your computer. b. A red light will blink while it is charging; a solid red light indicated that it is fully charged.
What to Say to Parents
"This is one of two smaller studies that you will be participating in during the year long study. You won't be doing it this month, but I wanted to give you a heads up for next month's visit. For this study, we'll give you a picture book that has three made up words in it- one word is a new-sounding word paired with an object your child hasn't seen before (Dax), one word sounds like another word your child has heard but is paired with an object they probably haven't seen (banoona), and one word looks like something familiar but has a new-sound word paired with it (shang). We're interested in learning how your child learns to associate words with objects. At your home visit next month, we'll give you the book and we'd like you to read it with your child once in the morning and once in the evening each day for two weeks prior to your lab visit that month. There are cards of each of the objects so you can make the reading as interactive as you'd like. Each time that you read the book to your child, we'd also like for you to record it with the USB audio recorder that we'll provide.
After two weeks, you'll come into the lab for your regular study and afterwords we'll do a study on these words too. If you and your child aren't totally bored with the book at this stage, we may ask you to do this for *another* two weeks, but we can determine that at the in-lab visit"
If Parent seems overwhelmed or she says that the times of day do not work for the family, reassure them that we want this to be an easy process for them. If they know it's a busy month for their family, we can do it a different month if necessary or if they need to read in the afternoon and evening, that is alright.
Before the Picture Book Lab Visit
Call the parent two weeks before the PB Study Lab visit to tell them to begin reading the book. Clarify any instructions and answer questions the family may have.
A week before the lab visit, call or email the parent to check in and see how the reading has been going. Dates for these reminder calls are on the Google Calendar as well as in the Picture_Book_IDs spreadsheet on Opus.
Picture Book Lab Visit
The first Picture Book visit is a normally scheduled lab visit! Follow all normal lab visit procedures in addition to the following.
Inform experimenter that the baby will be doing an additional eyetracking session.
Experimenter will explain Round 2 to the family.
Pay the family according to the Picture Book payments as described in VisitPayments.
After every Picture Book lab visit, leave a note with the packet. Include notes such as: Did they forget to use the reading log? Did they return their packet? Will they be doing Round 2? etc.
If they aren't doing Round 2: Take the packet with the book, picture cards, USB recorder, and charger and put on a sticky note with their subject #, and leave the packet in the organizer on the filing cabinet.
Picture Book Lab Visit, Round 2
Prepare payment (according to PB visit guidelines in VisitPayments) and eyetracking room (according to our normal guidelines).
Get the parking pass and wait outside 7 to 10 minutes before the visit.
Escort the family to the waiting room.
Experimenter will run the eyetracking session.
Pay the family and fill out receipt completely.
Escort the family back to their car and retrieve parking pass.
After every Picture Book lab visit, leave a note with the packet. Include notes such as: Did they forget to use the reading log? Did they return their packet? etc.
Importing PB packets
Import the recordings from the USB audio recorder. Copy them into the following folder: BergelsonLab/Subject_Files/Picture_Book/[sub #]/[sub #]_PB_Recordings NOTE: If they did Round 2, try to separate the files into Round 1 and 2 based off date if you can.
Check through the files to make sure they imported correctly.
Once you're sure the files were properly transferred to BergelsonLab, clear off the USB drive.
Copy the following template into the subject's folder: BergelsonLab/Paperwork/Picture_Book/PB_Reading_Log_template.xlsx
Fill out the reading log spreadsheet and rename it [sub #]_PB_Reading_Log.
If they did Round 2, create a second Reading Log for Round 2. Name the second [sub #]_Round2_PB_Reading_Log.
Label the reading logs with the subject # (and Round 2, if necessary). File them in the PB Reading Logs binder.
Reassemble the packet with new reading logs, an empty charged USB recorder, and a new instruction sheet.
Last updated