Directory Reader
This script is used to create folders (as opposed to just manually making them...)
Last updated
This script is used to create folders (as opposed to just manually making them...)
Last updated
This is to create folders for each month (e.g. 01_06, 01_07, etc.)
Launch script
Select "Yes" when you are asked whether you want to "Create all Files?"
Browse to the subject's MAIN folder; this is labeled with their birthday (ex. 01_02-03-2014)
Confirm the subject's ID in the next dialog box (01 in the example above)
Confirm that all sub-folders were generated in the subject's directory
Launch script
Select "No" when you are asked whether you want to "Create all Files?"
Select whether you are sorting files for a month that includes a lab visit (i.e. even months)
In the first pop-up window; navigate to the folder (within ''Subject_Files'') where you want to move the files of interest (e.g. Subject_Files/01_02-03-2014/01_06)
This step also creates the directory if does not already exist
In the second pop-up window; select the proper folder (within ''Working Files'') that contains the files you want to move (e.g. Working_Files/01_06).
The resulting window first lists all files that were named incorrectly, according to the File Naming doc
Sometimes a file may be considered incorrectly named by the script when it is actually not (e.g. some may be due to a corrupted video process, backup copies of coding files, etc.)
The window also lists the files that were not replaced because they already exist in the final destination folder
This may happen if the Working_Files folder contained a copy of an audio file, notes word document, or coding file that was already within the Subject_Filesdestination
In these cases, you must manually check to see which is the correct file and then move it into the final directory for that subject
Make sure to mark that you have completed the (Final)File Organization and Due tasks as complete on ASANA
Archive (do NOT delete) the project
Delete the empty folders from Working_Files