Duke Archive
Blab Servers & virtual machines DukeHow to Restore a File from the BackupARCHIVE Installing RPAD on new computersARCHIVE Moving to DurhamCoding for Gestures (summer 2017)ARCHIVE-- Daily Check-In for RAsARCHIVE -- [not up to date] Glossary of BLAB TermsARCHIVE -- Duke IRBARCHIVE: Studies finished collecting dataOld sampler hours processesARCHIVE/ see private pages: How to submit time cardsEyetracking and Headturn (for RAs)Saturday Visits ProtocolCurrently Inactive Study PagesTalker Variability ZooniverseQualtrics to WebCDIDuke Computing Cluster (DCC)BoxProgramming RA logSigning up as volunteer DPSSampler Hours- ACLEWProcess ImprovementPRIVATE Listservs of interestAncient: Connecting to Duke pn-opus and psych