Coding in Datavyu
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Coding in Datavyu for the hard of hearing dataset takes a few steps that are different from previous datavyu coding. Follow these instructions to correctly code everything!
Also, Datavyu is stupid. It doesn't do a lot of things that you tell it to do. I've found that it works best from this point forward on a mac, but even then, it's stupid. If the button for something doesn't work (like New Cell to Right), try using the keyboard command. If that still doesn't work, try changing the way you've selected the cell in question (click on a different cell, and then right click the cell you want to highlight). Normally something along the way will work, and over time, you'll get used to datavyu's strange strange quirks and what it likes/doesn't like, but every once in a while, something will always come out of the woodwork.
1) Open up the .opf file and go to [Spreadsheet] -> Temporal Alignment. Alternatively, [command] + K on a Mac or [Ctrl] + K on a PC.
2) Do a first pass through of the nouns column. Delete any cells that are incorrectly coded as nouns, and add in cells that were not coded into the nouns file. You can do this by just looking at the transcript on the chafile_info column, for this first pass, you don't have to listen through the file.
Things to keep an eye out for:
If the utterance is too long, the nouns will not show up on the noun column. Fix the problem the same way as the previous one.
Only code concrete nouns. Consult the CWI when unsure. For instance, kiss, hug, and play all end up in the nouns column. These cells should be deleted entierly from the nouns column by clicking on the cell, and then [Spreadsheet] -> [Delete Cell].
3) Do a second pass of the file. This will include listening to the video and coding each noun for utterance, object presence, and speaker. Often times, the utterance type and speaker can be figured out from the chafile_info column, but object presence will need the video.
4) Save the video, and you're done!
If the noun is the first word of an utterance, the script will not code for it. To remedy this problem, click on the cell in the chafile_info column, then [Spreadsheet] -> [New Cell to Right].
Plurals will be marked with plural-PL. Change these to the plural form (people is coded as person-PL, this should be changed back to people in the nouns column). Things like shoe-POSSPL should be changed to shoes. You can check those by looking at the transcription on the left column. (Other examples are pacify&dv-AGT should go to pacifier. Generally common sence things.)