Why do I get warnings that we have nouns in skip regions when I update basic level files (aka sparse code csvs)? Didn't we remove all of those?

When you run `blabpy.seedlings.pipeline.make_updated_basic_level_files`, you might see a bunch of warnings like this one:

WARNING:root:Object word was found in a skip region. Fix this in the .cha file.

The reason is that skips are defined differently for months 6 and 7 and for the other months and it is perfectly normal to have nouns in month 6 and 7 skips. There used to be a few annotations in other months' recordings too but those were removed by Hallie and Zhenya in 2023.

Getting those warning and not being 100% sure they come only from month 6 and 7 recordings is not ideal, of course. To fix it, find where this warning is issued in blabpy and make sure make_updatred_basic_level_files passes smth like an ignore_words_in_skips parameter to that lower-level function and it is set to True iff the month is either "06" or "07".

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