SF3 Lab Visit Protocol

Protocol for SF3 visits in Rochester, NY, conducted by Shaelise Tor. No longer used (data collection complete). Contact Shannon with any questions.


  1. Consent form

  2. Photo release form

  3. Demographics

  4. Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ): general developmental screener, parental questionnaire

    • Two versions, depending on age:

      • 42-month (administered 39-44 months)

      • 48-month (administered 45-50 months)

  5. Quick Interactive Language Screener (QUILS): child language assessment, administered on iPad

  6. NIH Toolbox Early Childhood Cognition Battery: series of cognitive assessments, administered on iPad

  7. Minnesota Executive Function Scale (MEFS): child executive function assessment

    • Training is required to administer.



Prepare the following (these can all be found in the Follow-Up Box folder):

  • Consent form

  • Photo release form

  • Demographics form

  • ASQ (be sure to have the right age version, 42 or 48 month)

  • Payment


  1. Make sure iPad is connected to Wifi.

  2. Open Safari on iPad.

  3. Tap QUILS icon on the home screen. (It will open my.quilscreener.com in Safari.)

  4. Log in.

  5. Tap Students, then tap Add New Student.

  6. Complete required fields (Language Questionnaire is not needed) and tap Add Student.

NIH Toolbox

  1. Open NIH Toolbox app on iPad.

  2. Tap Participants.

  3. Tap Add New Participant in upper right corner.

  4. Under Participant, enter F + subject number for Identifier, e.g. "F01". Add gender and birthdate.

  5. Under Assessments, tap Add New Assessment on the right-hand side.

  6. Tap Add Instruments.

  7. Select Picture Vocabulary Test and Picture Sequence Memory Test Ages 3-4, Form A, B, or C.

  8. Tap Done in the upper right corner.


  1. Open MinnesotaEF app on iPad.

  2. Tap Add Child. Complete name, birthdate, gender, zip code, and caregiver fields.


  1. Give parent an overview of the study:

"First, we have a few questionnaires for you to fill out. Then, we'll go into another room with [] to play some games. It will be 3 games, all on an iPad. You can be with [] the whole time."

  1. And then go over the consent form:

"This is a consent form. It goes over our protocol in detail. You can read through it and let me know if you have any questions. If you consent, write you child's name, your name, and sign for [] to participate, and then write your name and sign for your own participation."

Photo release form

"This is an optional photo release form -- it is entirely separate from participating in the study. This would allow us to use photos of [] from today's session or that you've sent us, for example in conference presentations or on our website. You can look over the list on the back and check which of those places you'd be comfortable sharing with. You can also choose if you want us to share []'s name and how you'd like to be credited for any photos you've taken."


"This form asks for information about your child and your family. Please feel free to skip any questions you're not comfortable answering. These two middle pages look similar, but (point) this one asks about you and (point) this one asks about []'s other parent. Let me know if you have any questions."


"This questionnaire asks about []'s development. It asks about particular skills, and you can check whether or not [] does them yet. For some, you can prompt [] to try out the skill - we have the necessary materials here. If you already know [] can do something, you can just check it off."

Now, you'll head into the waiting room. The parent can either stay in the waiting room or come sit silently off to the side of the testing room. If the parent is coming, instruct them not to talk or interact with their child in any way.


  1. Tap QUILS icon on the home screen.

  2. Tap Students

  3. Find the participant and tap Select.

  4. Tap the pink Start Screening in the upper right corner. Tap to let the assessment load.

  5. Tap Start to begin when the child is ready.

The assessment will run automatically.

NIH Toolbox

  1. Open NIH Toolbox app on iPad.

  2. Tap Participants.

  3. Select the participant from the list.

  4. Place the iPad sideways and use the case to prop it up at an angle on the table in front of the child.

  5. Tap Start to the right of the assessment.

  6. Tap Start when ready, then touch and hold at bottom of screen to begin.

  7. Read the instructions aloud.

The questions will run automatically within each short assessment. The battery will pause between each, and you'll have to touch and hold to continue.


  1. Open MinnesotaEF app on iPad.

  2. Tap on child's name in left-hand column.

  3. You can let the child select one of the animal photos to be their icon.

  4. Tap Game Form A or B to begin.

  5. Read all instructions aloud, pointing to boxes when appropriate.

  6. When the assessment is completed, fill out Examiner Comments and tap Submit.

Participant compensation

  • Duke CHILD Studies swag

  • Amazon gift cards

  1. ST: Email SD & HG after visit.

  2. SD or HG: Place Amazon order for an eGift card.

    • Amount: $10.

    • To: Parent email address

    • From: SEEDLingS team

    • Message: Thank you for participating in SEEDLingS!

    • Delivery date: Now

  3. SD or HG: Submit pcard form.

After the visit

Exporting data

NIH Toolbox

  1. Tap Export Data on the app home screen.

  2. Select/unselect the participants you want to export.

  3. Tap Select Export Method in the upper right corner.

  4. Tap the Email icon in the lower left corner.

  5. Email them! (Shannon, shannon.dailey@duke.edu)


  1. For one child's data: Click on the child, then click on the test. Click Download the Individual Report.

  2. For all children's data: When viewing List Children page, click Download Group Report (orange button).

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