ARCHIVE Installing RPAD on new computers
RPAD is a Filemaker Pro (FMP) program
Connect to the VPN
Open FileMaker Pro version 19 (it has a black and blue logo)
Connect to the host:
Go to the "Favorites" tab (with a star)
Click on the square with the big plus that says "add app"
On the pop-up, click "from hosts"
On the left sidebar, click the little plus sign next to the search bar
Im "host's internet address," type
(Do not put extra spaces)Click Save. It will Pop up with a login box. Click "DukeOAuth," which will take you to the normal Duke login page. Login there, and click "allow" when it asks if you'll allow the site to open filemaker pro.
RPAD will now show up on the Favorites homepage forevermore on this computer. Double click on it and go through the Duke OAuth process one more time. Now you'll be able to see the list of studies.
Last updated