Git Basics: Happy git with BLab

Learning to use Git using the "Happy git with R" tutorial

We'll be following the "Happy git with R" tutorial (the tutorial). We've skipped, changed, and otherwise adapted a few steps from the tutorial here and there to reflect how we work with git in BLab. All these amendments are in the form of instructions on this page so please read the notes here and only then follow the linked parts of the original tutorial.

We'll mostly ignore the "with R" part of the tutorial name. Sometimes the tutorial will give you the option to do something through R. You can do both the R and non-R version if you are interested but do the non-R one first.

If you get stuck and googling for a few minutes hasn't helped, do ask a question on the Slack channel "Git Support". The staff will monitor the channel and reply to the questions. But so should you: if you know the answer or can give a suggestion, reply in the question thread. If you are not sure that your response is 100% correct - reply anyway.


  • You have git, R, and RStudio installed. If not, follow the instructions here.

  • You know how to open a terminal window and change the working directory. If you don't, see

Last updated