Transforming your sound file into individual files
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You have annotated your original stimuli recording and marked the starts and ends of each individual stim you want to extract. This will walk you through how to take that long file, and make it into a bunch of small, individual files.
Select Praat > Open praat script and navigate to where your script is saved (you might have downloaded it from github, or it might be on the lab drive ((BergelsonLab > ScriptsandApps > PraatScripts > textgrid_to_labeled_wav_files)
Once the script is open on your desktop, return to the Praat Objects window and select both the Sound and the Textgrid (these must have the exact same names). Once those are both selected, return to the script window (it will look like below) and hit Command + R
A new window will pop up asking you a number of different questions:
The first question asks which tier from the text grid to use. If you followed the instructions from here, you should just have 1, and so you can leave it as '1'. If you have more than one in a different project, make sure you tell it the correct one.
You can leave the Start and End intervals as the default values, and leave all the checkboxes checked. We want to exclude empty intervals, and the other two could come in handy if necessary (and won't hurt if all you have are empty intervals and ones you want extracted).
Give a small margin for the files - this just gives a small buffer of silence, you can leave as is
Give the folder where to save the sound files - change this to the folder you want the files to be located! And add a / (trailing slash) at the end or it won't correctly put files in the folder.
The last two ask for prefix or suffixes - if you labeled your textgrid how you want the files to be named, you don't need to add anything here. If for example you wanted to add "speaker1" to the beginning of each file, you would put that in the prefix box.
Now hit OK and a new window will pop up letting you know how many files will be made. Hit OK again and it will extract all the files.
Now you are done, great job!