Eye Tracking Data


The eyetracking setup includes two computers: Display and Host. They are connected to each other over an ethernet cable.

  • The Display one is a Windows PC with the Experiment Builder and the DataViewer. It is the one we run the stimulus presentation on. It is connected to the display on the arm mount.

  • The Host one is the one that runs the eyetracking itself. It is connected to the camera and the screen that is not on the arm mount.

Data files (EDFs)

Raw eyetracking files in the EDF (Eyelink Data Format, details here) are saved in two places:

  • On the Display PC - in the "results" subfolder of the corresponding experiment.

  • A backup is saved on the host PC - either in the /data/ or in the /exe/ folders.

EDFs on Host

TL;DR: EDFs collected at Duke are in /data/, collected at UNC and Harvard - in /exe/.

If an EDF file is missing from the Display PC, you can check the backup version on the Host machine. For experiments run at Duke on the eye tracker that we left there, the EDFs were saved to the /data/ folder on the host machine. All those EDFs were copied to the same /data/ folder on the Host machine that we took with us to Harvard. All the EDFs collected at UNC (which is one single EDF) and Harvard are in the /exe/ folder. We don't know why this happened, the /data/ is the only folder whose name suggest that it contains, you know, data.

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