Speaker Codes


  • Each speaker in our recordings is coded with a 3-letter code (ex: MOT). All speakers heard by a given participant have been assigned a unique code following the guidelines described below. Within each participant's folder is a list of all the speakers in all of their files and brief descriptions of each.

  • Speaker codes should all include information about the speaker's age (adult or child) and their gender.

  • For subject-specific codes, see the document Speaker Codes in the subject's file (if one doesn't exist, see Cast of Characters) within each subject's folder.

For every speaker in the file, there should be a note in Audio or Video coding issues defining who the speaker is. If these notes are not already there when you go to check the file, you are responsible for adding them.

Any code used should be listed on this page.

Single Speakers

Family members

  • MOT: mother

  • FAT: father

  • CHI: baby in our study (target child)

  • BRO, BR1, BR2, etc: brother with ranking of age, BRO would be used if the baby only has one brother; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • SIS, SI1, SI2, etc: sister with ranking of age, SIS would be used if the baby only has one sister; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • GRM: maternal grandmother; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • GRP: maternal grandfather; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • GRA: paternal grandmother; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • GP2: paternal grandfather; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • SGP: step-grandfather

  • GGM: great-grandmother

  • GGP: great-grandfather

  • GUN: great-uncle

  • AUN: First Aunt (in order of appearance); specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • AU2: Second Aunt; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • UNC: First Uncle; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • UN2: Second Uncle; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • FCO: First Female Cousin; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • FC2: Second Female Cousin; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

  • MC2: Second Male Cousin; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

Non-family members

  • TOY: Toy that speaks or sings

  • TVS: Any sort of electronic noise: TV, radio, CD, iPad, etc.

  • EF_: female experimenter, with inital (e.g. EFS)

  • EM_: male experimenter, with initial (e.g. EMM)

  • BS_: babysitter, first letter of first name; specific names will be listed in the final speaker code document for each subject.

Other speakers that are close to the family (e.g. neighbors or family friends) are coded with the following formula:

  • A or C (adult or child)

  • F or M (female or male)

  • First initial

For example, a woman named Susan would be AFS (Adult Female Susan).

Speakers who are random people (e.g. waitresses, cashiers, passersby) are coded with the following formula:

  • A or C (adult or child)

  • F or M (female or male)

  • Number of appearance

For example, the first unknown adult female for a participant would be AF1. The second unknown male child would be CM2.

If a child's gender can't be determined, use "CH". For example, the first random child whose gender is unknown would be CH1.

If these unknown codes go above 9 for a given family (i.e. we've used AF1-AF9 and have more unknown adult females), use these codes, starting with the 10th:

- Adult females = X__

- Adults males = Y__

Multiple Speakers in Unison

  • MFT: mother and father

  • MTT: mothers

  • MFV: mother and father and TV, radio, CD, etc.

  • MIS: mother and sister in unison

  • MBR: mother and brother in unison

  • MTY: mother and toy in unison

  • MTV: mother and TV, radio, CD, etc.

  • MGM: mother and grandmother in unison

  • MGP: mother and grandfather in unison

  • MCU: mother and child in unison

  • MFU: mother and adult female in unison

  • MBT: mother, brother, and TVN in unison

  • FTY: father and toy in unison

  • FTV: father and TV, radio, CD, etc.

  • FBR: father and brother in unison

  • FGM: father and grandmother in unison (maternal, FAT + GRP)

  • FGP: father and grandfather in unison (maternal, FAT + GRM)

  • FGA: father and grandmother in unison (paternal, FAT + GRA)

  • FG2: father and grandfather in unison (paternal, FAT + GP2)

  • FCU: father and child in unison

  • FTS: father and sister in unison

  • SIU: siblings (brother/sister) in unison

  • SST: sisters in unison

  • SCU: sister and child in unison

  • STY: sister and toy in unison

  • STV: sister and TVS in unison

  • BCU: brother and child in unison

  • BTY: brother and toy in unison

  • MGG: grandmother and grandfather in unison (maternal)

  • FGG: grandmother and grandfather in unison (paternal)

  • GTY: grandmother and toy in unison (maternal)

  • GTV: grandmother and TVS in unison

  • GRY: grandfather and toy in unison (maternal)

  • GMS: grandmother and sister in unison

  • GMC: grandmother and cousin in unison

  • GRO: large group in unison

  • CTY: child and toy in unison

  • ATY: adult and toy in unison (an unknown adult speaker)

  • UMT: mother and uncle in unison

  • ATV: aunt and radio/television in unison

  • UAU: uncle and aunt in unison

  • UTV: uncle in unison with television

  • UAT: uncle, aunt, and television in unison

  • CCU: cousins in unison

  • BTV: babysitter and television in unison

Last updated