How To: Receiving a "Protocol Expiring" and submit a Periodic Check-In

Receive the email

  1. You will receive an email from approximately 30 days prior to the renewal date warning you that your protocol is about to expire

  2. Take note of the protocol and the check-in date. The IRB sends reminders between a month and 1-2 weeks before the check-in date. We want to submit the check-in as soon as possible.

  3. Assess: is the research ongoing? Can we let the protocol close? Is there a possibility we may need this protocol again int he future? (ie., it's a general-purpose eyetracking or adult survey protocol). Obviously discuss this with Elika and other investigators in the protocol.

Who's in charge of submitting the forms?

  1. Current researchers on the protocol are listed in the email reminder. Everyone listed should have received the reminder email.

    1. If current lab manager is on the protocol, they should work on the check-in.

    2. If current lab manager is not on the protocol but should be, the first researcher listed after the advisor/PI should forward the reminder email to the lab manager, who should submit an additional personnel form along with the check-in to add themselves.

    3. If the current lab manager is not on the protocol and doesn't need to be (e.g. SEEDLINGs follow-ups or lab-external adult testing), the first researcher listed after advisor/PI should work on the check-in.

***The delegated person in charge of the forms should send an email to the other researchers to confirm that they've seen it and are starting the check-in.

Get the FORMS

THIS should link you directly to the doc download (If it doesn't, click on "Check-in Forms" then "Periodic Check-in Form").

Download it to psych/BergelsonLab/Lab_Documentation/[protocolnumber_name]/in_progress and rename it to "ProtocolNumber_periodicCheckin_Date.docx"

Find the most recent protocol doc

It should be in the same protocol number directory under the "current_protocol" subfolder. Open the document for easy copying and pasting in the next step.

Fill in the information at the top

From the current protocol doc, look for the relevant information, including protocol number, title, and current researchers. Set the submission date as today's date (or the day you expect to complete it and get it sent in.

If data collection is still ongoing, copy and paste the consent form associated with that protocol into the periodic check in document.

Send in the form as an attachment to

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