LD(LR)^2 Blitz instructions for blab-core (some years)

The previous page has a link to a powerpoint describing the LD(LR)^2 process for RAs, here are instructions for the blitz portion done by blab-core members

Generally, blab-core members will spend one lab meeting blitzing (i.e. presenting really quickly) on a number of recent papers relevant to the lab in a variety of journals. The blitz is intended to give RAs an overview of the papers they can choose from for their LD(LR)^2 presentation.

The number of papers each blab-core person will present differs by year (based also on number of RAs needing to present and time, among others), but the goals are always the same:

Give an overview of each of your assigned papers that covers the following in 1-2 slides per paper MAX. You should mostly be able to accomplish this by reading the abstract. The expectation is not that you will have read all the papers you are blitzing in full.

  • Brief overview of the journal

    • What is the journal?

    • What is the journal impact factor? (make sure you know what impact factor is in case none of the RAs do!)

    • What is the general audience for the journal? (if it's really specific to just language development, or a broader audience of people who are interested in all aspects of cognition, or even more general than that (e.g. Nature))

  • Brief overview of the authors

    • Who are they and where are they from?

  • Research question of the article you are presenting

    • Briefly state what they were interested in looking at

    • This part SHOULD NOT include methods or results. RAs will tell us the details if they choose to present this paper.

  • Super brief overview of the findings (see examples)

    • Again, you don't want to do the RAs' jobs for them by telling them the punch line, but you can generally summarize the results

  • Images/Figures

    • Sometimes there are nice images or figures that can be added (see some previous examples below), but you do not need to describe the results of the paper, and therefore probably don't want to spend too much time on result graphs here

Here are some example slides from previous semesters:

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