Old Video Processing on Sony Vegas
Last updated
Last updated
Open Vegas
Go to “File” then “Properties”
Confirm that the template is “Seedlings,” press OK.
Open the relevant folder containing the videos for a subject that will be compiled. Drag the video(s) titled “up” into the empty video space.
Click “No” if Vegas asks you if you want to set your project video settings to match this media.
Press the “Event Pan/Crop” button at the bottom-right corner of the video.
In the “Preset” dropdown menu, choose “Up Camera”
Close this screen.
Drag the “down” camera below into the empty video space below the “up” video(s).
The order in which to place videos (from top to bottom):
Repeat steps 4-8 for the down and main cameras (selecting the respective preset for both). Your final screen should be arranged like this:
If one of the cameras goes out, rearrange the other cameras to fill in the space.
Use size 18 font when inserting text into the video.
a. messages to insert:
"Down Camera Lost"
"Down Camera Temporarily Lost"
"Down Camera Corrupt" (beginning of video if syncing is bad)
If the baby falls asleep after some time, make note of that in the recording_info excel
Save the project to the same folder as the videos, title it #_month_combined.veg (eg. 01_06_combined.veg)
Note: If you have multiple “up,” “down” or “main” videos:
Right-click the first “up,” “down” or “main” video, select “Copy”
Right-click the first video again, select “Select Events to End”
Right-click the first video again, select “Paste Event Attributes.” All following videos should now be formatted like the first.
Set "start" and "end" markers by pressing "m" during playback at the time points you want them to be set (and writing in "start"/"end" in the label's text box). Start should be placed when we leave the house, and End should be placed right before we come back. This should be an hour long region.
Go to Tools, Extensions, Pluraleyes.
Click Sync in the menu bar
Make sure that the “Level Audio” and “Try Really Hard” options are ticked.
Press Sync, the program will take a few seconds to rearrange the clips.
“Export timeline” if all clips appear synced, if not continue to troubleshooting.
Sometimes a clip will not sync. In this case, right click on the clip that is red, Shift+click on the track that it SHOULD be synced with, and click “Synchronize Pair of Clips." It should snap into position.
If you have done the above and made sure the program Tried Really Hard, you have you manually sync the video clips:
a. “Export timeline”
c. Drag the unsynced clip back until the sound waveforms appear to match with the video underneath it. No videos on the same track should overlap. (see synced pic below)
d. If the videos don’t appear to match, save the Vegas file in the following way and contact Munna “compiled_notsynced.”
Ctrl-click to Solo the “Up Camera” audio (the second track overall and the first audio tract at the top of the timeline). This will be the final audio for the compiled video so make sure that it sounds good throughout the timeline.
Select the region from the start marker to the end marker. When rendering, make sure that the "render loop region only" box is checked.
Do make sure to include notations of any problems during processing (e.g. corrupt cameras, loss of video feed, final audio track chosen for rendering, etc.)
Make these notations in the ''Recording_Processing_Notes.xlxs'' spreadsheet located in (.......)
The program will take a few minutes to gather and process the videos (You should see Preparing media… at the bottom right corner of the window)
b. You should see the unsynced clip near the end of the all the clips. Zoom in by pressing the plus buttons in the bottom right corner of the clips window
Scroll through the video and confirm that the wave forms are matched between all videos.
Listen to a segments throughout by clicking on a video at random times throughout, Soloing each audio track (Ctrl-click the exclamation mark for each audio track, see pic), and confirming that the sounds and videos are synced for all three videos.
Right click up video, select "properties" and select "disable resample." Click OK. Repeat for each down video and each main video
Go to File, Render As, and confirm that the following template is used to render: