How to Administer the PVT

Old instructions for PVD administration

How to Administer the PVT

Setting up

  1. Open NIH Toolbox app on the iPad Air and tap Participants.

  2. Create a new participant:

    a. Tap Add new participant.

    b. Fill out Identifier with the child's subject ID and tap Done.

  3. Add the instrument to the participant:

    a. Tap Add new assessment.

    b. Tap the down arrow and then Add instruments. Find the Picture Vocabulary Test (usually the first option) and tap Select, then tap Done.

Administering the assessment

  1. Have the parent complete participant information. Tap Edit under Participant and have parent fill out their birthday and highest education level.

    a. NOTE: The app does require these for this particular assessment. (All other fields are unnecessary.)

    b. When these fields are complete, tap Done.

  2. When you are ready to begin the assessment, tap Start assessment. You will hit an error message, but simply tap Start assessment again to continue and begin the test.

    a. Touch Touch and Hold Here to Continue.

  3. Read the opening/introductory instructions printed on the iPad screen aloud to the participant. Plug in headphones and have participant put them on. Then touch Touch and Hold Here to Continue.

    a. The app will automatically move through two practice trials. Make sure the volume is loud enough so that participants can hear the pre-recorded feedback and the presentation of the words.

  4. After the practice trials, read the introduction to test items printed on the iPad screen aloud to the participant. When participant is ready, touch Touch and Hold Here to Continue.

    a. The app will automatically move through the test items with the participant. An audio recording will introduce each word and the participant will tap on the corresponding picture. The items will continue in this format until the test is completed.

    b. If the participant says they do not know the word, tell them to make their best guess.

Exporting the data

  1. Return to the home screen and tap Export Data.

  2. Tap Export Data in the upper right hand corner.

  3. Tap the envelope icon next to the Assessment Scores file you just created. Email to Shannon.

Last updated