Studies in Progress
Overview of currently ongoing projects
Last updated
Overview of currently ongoing projects
Last updated
VIHI Corpus: Using ACLEW style annotation plus lab-specific annotation additions to transcibe intervals from LENA recordings of blind and Deaf/HOH infants and young children.
Eye tracking
SEEDLingS Corpus
PB - Shannon & Sarah
(Picture Book)
Is it more difficult for infants to learn a phonologically or a semantically competitive word
SRD - Shannon
(Semantically Related)
Is real-time word comprehension affected by semantic relatedness
VIMP- Erin
Child listens to real words and nonsense words. Brain activity output will be compared across ages and VI vs TD to understand how these variances affect how children process sounds and words.
SF5 - Shannon
How does home language environment in infancy affect later language ability. Going back to Rochester to see SEEDLingS babies.
VNA - Charlotte
16-20mo, 24-28mo
Do toddlers notice mispronunciations in verbs
SWITCH- Federica How does within- and between-talker variability shape word representation
Torkildsen- Charles
Mass/Count - Charlotte How do mass and count nouns appear to babies in their home environment?
Nalts - Charlotte
(finished collecting data)
LSTVS - Federica
(Talker Variability)
How does within- and between-talker variability shape word representation
Wordplay - Charlotte
Does hearing a lot of surface forms for the same concept matter for learning (foot, footsy)
CAC- Jing Do adults use mutual exclusivity when hearing co-articulated and entirely novel word forms?
PenguinRV- Lilli Are children able to use the verb-event link & frequent frames to fast map verb meanings at 14 months?
PLEARN - Stephan
Can children 2-3 use plural morphology in their own speech? How does it depend on the phonetic form of the plural or novelty of the noun? How does this relate to their receptive knowledge of the plural?
DSC - Hallie
(Duke Seedlings Control)
Duke babies serve as control for Rochester babies
ASP- Sophie & Federica How does variability in accented speech shape word recognition?
Annotation checks - RAs Checking annotations linguistic environment influences the words they know.
PLEARN- Stephan Do children 2-3 understand plural morphology in fluent speech? How does it depend on the phonetic form of the plural or novelty of the noun? How does it related to their abilities to produce the plural?
TV - Federica
(Talker Variability)
How does within- and between-talker variability shape word representation- From Seedlings
Himp (Hearing Impaired) - Erin Eye tracking study to learn more about word learning in babies with cochlear implants
ACLEW transcriptions - RAs Transcribing short snippets of 16 hour recordings.