Coding for Gestures (summer 2017)
Files stored in BergelsonLab/Yiyi
Setting up the Datavyu Spreadsheet
The spreadsheet will have four columns, each with nested codes.
Use the Spreadsheet drop down menu to select Code Editor and add the following columns and codes:
nonverbal (<action>,<notes>)
prompt (<word_carrier>,<notes>)
referent (<action>,<notes>)
verbal (<verbalization>,<notes>)
Add data for the video you want to code (e.g. 19_12_etracking.mp4)
Name and save your spreadsheet with your initials (e.g. 19_12_gesturesHG.opf)
You will watch the video at least three times. On the first pass, watch the video with no audio, coding only the first column, adding a new cell for each nonverbal gesture performed by the baby. Make sure you capture the entire gesture within the cell--adjust timestamps so that the onset is just before the baby begins the target action and the offset is when they return to neutral or begin another action. Tip: it may be easier to jog through the video instead of playing in real time.
Nonverbal gestures are coded as the following:
p: point
index finger extended
usually one-handed, may be two index fingers pointing to one picture
some points are very quick (< 1s)
point onset is when the baby begins to lift their index finger toward the screen
point offset is when the baby's hand returns to a neutral position
r: reach
one hand or both hands extended forward toward the screen
if they extend more than just their index finger, it is a reach, not a point
if they raise their hand without moving forward or looking like they want to touch/indicate toward the object, it should not be coded as a reach
if they just move forward without using their hands, it is not a reach
in circumstances where the baby reaches out and then changes to a point, code each gesture separately
ltp: look to parent
fully turned toward parent
seeking eye contact
the action begins the moment the infant starts to turn their head and ends when they look away from their parent's face
use notes to indicate special circumstances [i.e. (ltp, no eye contact because mom keeps her eyes closed) or (ltp, unclear if looking at parent or door)]
Special Circumstances (p+, r+, ltp+)
If the infant performs two target actions either simultaneously or in very quick succession (such that you cannot code separate cells without the timestamps overlapping), you should code whichever gesture happens first, and then add a "+" to indicate that something else happened.
For example, if an infant begins pointing at the screen, then turns to look at their parent while still pointing, the entire action should be coded as "p+"
Use notes to indicate what happened [i.e. (p+, looked to parent while pointing)]
You should not have any red lines in your spreadsheet.
Now you are ready to move on to the Prompt column. Watch the video a second time, this time listening to the audio. Make a new cell in the second column of your spreadsheet for each sentence spoken to the baby, taking care to capture the entire sentence within the cell.
Open the corresponding Stimuli Spreadsheet (XX_XX_stimuli.xlsx) for the subject and month you are coding. This will tell you what should have been said, but you still need to listen to what was actually said.
Prompts are coded using the target word and abbreviated carrier phrase. If the sentence spoken was, "Where is the banana," you should code (banana_where).
"where is" = where
"can you find" = can
"do you see" = do
"look at the" = look
Code the prompt as it was spoken to the child. If the parent uses a carrier phrase that is different from the one listed on the Stimuli Spreadsheet, code what was said and make a note. For example, if the Stimuli Spreadsheet has 'apple' paired with 'look,' but the parent says "Where is the apple," you should code it as (apple_where, correct carrier is look). Similarly, if they misspoke the target word, code what you think they said and make a note.
If the parent repeats the prompt, you should code a separate cell for each instance. Make a note to indicate that it was repeated [i.e. (apple_where, repeat)].
If the parent uses two different carrier phrases within one trial, code a cell for each sentence spoken and make an appropriate note. For example, if the parent says, "Where is the apple," and then, "Look! Look at the apple," you would code [(apple_where, notes) ; (apple_look, repeat different carrier)]
Last updated