Pushing individual Subject_Files to github
After a given file goes through a round of checking, the new version should be pushed to the VIHI_LENA github repo. As of March 2023, we should only be pushing:
.eaf (ELAN) files
.its file with birthdate obscured
.txt files (data exported from ELAN)
selected_regions.csv and lena_5min.csv and various .pfsx files can go in
We should NOT push .wav or .mp3 files since they contain unreviewed and unscrubbed audio that may contain peronal identifying information (they are also relatively giant).
When you're ready to push
Open the terminal or your preferred git gui.
Change your working directory to the folder immediately containing the files. For example, use the following command:
cd /Volumes/Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/VIHI/SubjectFiles/LENA/TD/TD_419/TD_419_961
git status .
to see if there are any changes in your files or on the github repo that will need to be merged. Most of the time, you should see that the .eaf, .txt, and coding_isssues.docx have changed on the BLab share.Run
git add . -v
(if you are still cd'd into the individual folder) or git add/Volumes/Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/VIHI/SubjectFiles/LENA/TD/TD_419/TD_419_961 -v
(if you're not). This command adds *only* the files in this directory to the commit.Run
git commit -m "your message here"
and fill in details in the quotes about why you're pushing/what step of the checking process the file is at.Run
git push origin master
to send your changes off to the github main repo.
Last updated