The Set-Up
How to get all the data you need into a new spreadsheet
Last updated
How to get all the data you need into a new spreadsheet
Last updated
Open "CDI_June 15, 2018.csv" (this is the CDI data from Qualtrics).
Open "webcdi_temple_respones.csv."
Create a new csv file, name it "STUDYNAME_webcdi_format.csv" (for example if I am working on VNA data I would name the file "VNA_webcdi_format.csv"), and save it in the CDI_data_wrangling folder.
Copy and paste the 11 rows of the webcdi template spreadsheet into the top of your new csv file (you will use this as a guide while reformatting the data).
In the Qualtrics data spreadsheet (the June 15, 2018 csv), look for your study in the "Subject_id" column (the Subject_id column is sorted alphabetically to make this easy. So, if I am working with VNA data I will scroll down until I find all the subject id's that start with "V").
Copy and paste the rows with your subjects' data into your csv file that now has the template data in it. To make it easier for you later, paste this data farther down in the spreadsheet so that you can work with in the rows between the rows of template data and the rows of qualtrics data you are pasting in. (NOTE: some of the dates/times will show up as "########" if this happens, just double click on those cells).
STOP: Make sure to check if there are any duplicate subject numbers. If there are, cross check with the "Participantdata.xlsx" spreadsheet (also in the Subject_information folder) to figure out which row of data is the correct one (the best way to do this is usually looking at the date of participation and seeing which CDI was completed closer to that date and use that one).
Lastly, copy and paste the first row of the Qualtrics spreadsheet with the column headings above the rows of subject data that you just pasted in. At this point, your spreadsheet should look like this (with template data on top, a section of blank rows for reformatting, and then rows of your subjects' data):