PBS - PreppingandCoding
PBS: Prepping Recordings
You will need:
USB recorder
(Possibly) a usb a to usb c
ELAN loaded on the computer
Import Audio Files
Plug-in the USB audio recorder into a lab computer. A small light on the audio recorder will flash red. (Make sure it is in the OFF position)
On the computer, open the USB and then select [RECORD] to view the files inside.
Create a new folder here:
Fas-Phyc-PEB Lab/experimental_projects/PBS/PBS_audio_files/[Subj#].
Name the folder [PBS_#_Recordings]Copy the files from the USB drive into the folder that you created.
Check through the files to confirm that they have all imported correctly! Listen briefly to a few of the files to confirm that they can play.
After confirming, delete the audio files from the USB drive.
Remember to safely eject the USB from the computer.
Import to ELAN and Set up
command/ctrl+n (creates a new file)
This will open a window that allows you to “Add Media File..”, “Add Template File..”, and “Add Streaming File…”
Click “Add Media File”
The Media File button will take you to a file window, where you can choose you sound file. If you do not see a useable sound file, you need to convert your audio file using AUdacity Scripting Page
Double click on the file to add it
Click “Add Template…”
Use the PBS_Template
Press OK and you will see something like this:
Highlight an area you’d like to annotate and click alt+N to create a new annotation
Annotating files
Annotating the picture book files in ELAN is similar to audio files in ELAN. Listen to the recording.
Notes linked here: PBS Annotation Set
FA1: Female Adult 1 - Most commonly used. If there is a second parent, one can add in MA1 for Male Adult 1, FA2 and so on, PA2 - here transcribing the text that is head. It mostly comes from the book so having the book transcript side by side helps.
CHI: For Target Child Utterances, only indicated sound by xxx. (not attempting to interpret, just the start and stop time of the vocalizations). If there is a second child adding in as
xds@FA1 - To indicate who the parent is talking to (T - target child, A- Another Adult)
txt@FA1- To indicate if the parent is talking from the book or off-book (B - Book, C - Conversation) . This could be extended.
Comments -Any comments
Coding Notes:
Onomatopoeia: When there is onomatopoeia in the transcription, follow with @o.
If the word "apple" is said in reference to shang or similar, include the comment "Semantic neighbor."
Additional conventions:
[!= whispers].
Note: Most of the utterance types in these files will be "B" for "Book Reading", but pay extra attention to different utterance types - it's easy to forget and just type "B" for everything.
Naming Convention
Save files with the following name format for .wav and .eaf files: SubID_month_PBS_recording#_coder[initials]
Example: 25_10_PBS_07_coderHB.eaf
Save basic level files with the following format: SubID_month_PBS_basiclevel_coder[initials]
Exporting to CSV
Open Elan: file>export multiple files as > Tab-delimited Text >New domain >add folder>okay
Navigate to the folder containing the annotated recordings of the subject you want
Select all the tiers you want included, and check the box that says “Separate column for each tier”.
If you want to include the start and end time for each word, check the appropriate boxes
The settings should look like this
Hit okay, name and save the .txt file
Basic Level Column: add a new column called "Basic Level" to the left of the "Comments" column on the spreadsheet, complete according to Basic Level Guidelines
Save the .txt file with the newly edited Basic Level Column
To Convert to CSV: Right click the .txt file > open with > Microsoft Excel
Save your file as a .csv
Last updated