RA Video Annotation Checks -- Rochester
In general, assume that the original coder was correct. You will certainly come across instances of gray area; if you are not sure, leave what was originally coded.
Please feel free to leave comments in the opf.
Remember to use the DataVyu shortcuts described here to make your life easier.
Open the _final.opf in DataVyu and navigate to the first cell.
Check that the cell contains the object word. Adjust timestamps if necessary.
Check the spelling of the object word. If you are unsure, consult the Common Words Index or the Oxford English Dictionary (this is also the built-in dictionary on Macs).
Check the utterance type.
Check the object presence.
Check the speaker code. Only make sure the codes are internally consistent: BR2 is coded as BR2 throughout this file, MOT is never coded as TOY, etc. (Do not worry about differences across files; these will be fixed separately.)
If you come across any words you think should have been coded but weren't OR any words you think shouldn't have been coded but were, leave a comment cell "%com: SD check, NA, NA, NA" at that timestamp and assign Shannon an Asana task "XX_XX video check for codable word(s)".
Repeat Steps 2-6 for each object word cell in the file. (You don't have to check any comments cells.)
Run the check script (run_all_postannotation.rb) and fix any errors.
Save the file.
Run WordMerge to update the basic level.
Last updated