Superchecker Duties
Check through all tiers and sub-tiers in Grid view to make sure there aren't any blank codes. Listen to the clip and fill in the appropriate code.
Make sure there aren't annotations or missed speech in segments the coder listed as silent in the coding issues document.
Wherever the annotator marked speech as unintelligible (xxx), listen to the clip (plus neighboring clips) to try to determine what the speaker said.
Wherever the speaker categorized vcm or xds as unknown (U), listen to the clip (plus neighboring clips) to try to determine the appropriate category.
Check through all tiers and sub-tiers in Grid view to make sure there aren't any blank codes.
Read through the cast of characters, and make sure that speakers were labelled consistently throughout the file.
Listen to all clips from each tier (one speaker at a time) to check for consistency in labelling.
Check the coding issues document for notes about any segments the original coder had trouble with or marked for additional review. Review these sections and add any notes of your own.
Run file through Minchat checker again.
Fix any new issues that have emerged.
Re-export as tab-delineated text.
Mark the task complete in Asana by sliding the file to the "Push to gitbook" column.
Lab manager or Erin: Push the checked .eaf, .docx., and .txt to VI_LENA github repo.
Last updated