Coding Child Production
Setting out the workflow for coding child production
Last updated
Setting out the workflow for coding child production
Last updated
Before annotating child production, make sure you have completed the ACLEW training and passed the Gold Standard ACLEW tests, as well as completed the VIProd training.
To keep track of your progress, please go to this google sheet and make a copy (File -> Make a copy) , fill out your name, and keep track of the tasks you have completed.
Round 1 - Segmentation, ACLEW and Repetition
You will be assigned a file to work with. This is your file. There are many files like it, but this one is yours.
Open your assigned file in ELAN and enter segmentation mode (Options -> Segmentation mode).
Make sure your segmentation controls are properly set to one keystroke, set the time delay to 300ms
Make sure your tier is set to CHI. Start segmenting from beginning of file. Listen to target child and segment all communicative utterance as you would for your ACLEW training (including laughing and crying, but not including vegetative sounds or noncommunicative sounds).
Segment at least 10-15 minutes of file each time.
Go back to start of segment. Enter annotation mode (Options -> Annotation mode)
Fill out the ACLEW annotation schema (VCM, LEX, MWU) as well as the rep (repetition) tier. You may fill the ACLEW annotations in before going back to fill in repetitions, or do them all at once. Either way, each segment should have ACLEW tags as well as repetition information by the time you're finished. Decide whether the child utterance is:
a repetition (R)
partial repetition (P)
not a repetition (N)
To determine whether or not something is a repetition, listen to the context. Repetitions include:
Repeating an utterance immediately after the parent
Parent: "You want to hear a certain song on the piano?" Child: "Certain song on the piano."
Repeating an utterance previously spoken by the parent later in the conversation (30 seconds to ~10 minutes): [during breakfast] Parent: "Let's get these snaps. One, two, three, four..." [after breakfast is finished child is changing diapers] Parent: "Now let's put your vest back on." Child: "Snaps."
Repeating a line from a movie/cartoon/song/book: Song: "Circle and triangle. And square." Child: "And square." Note!: If the child is listening to the book right now, tag it as a repetition, but if the book or music are not in the recording, tag it as Nonrepetition unless the child repeats themselves.
Repeating themselves multiple times "Snaps. Snaps. Snnnnnnnaps."
Partial repetitions include:
Repeating part of the previous sentence: Song: "All aboard the choo-choo train." Child: "Train. Train."
Repeating the previous sentence with a pronoun change: Parent: "You want a bowl of cheese?" Child: "I want a bowl of cheese?"
Non-repetitions include:
Any normal utterance that doesn't appear previously: Parent: "You want some breakfast?" Child: "Yeah."
Any utterance that is different in intonation and that is context-appropriate: Parent: "You want some breakfast?" Child: "Yeah, I want breakfast."
Tag every utterance, whether it's a repetition or not, with one of the three options.
Don't forget to fill out the timekeeping sheet! Fill the sheet out in the Google Sheet as shown in the example line.
Segmentation - working in segmentation mode risks splitting up multiple-word utterances to many single-word chunks. To avoid that, note the split utterances as you listen. Return to the utterances and combine annotations. To do that, right-click on the annotation and select Merge with annotation before or Merge with next annotation.
Annotation - to catch empty annotations, run your file through the minchat checker.