Subregion Fixes
Fixing placement of subregion comments in some files - July 2018
Last updated
Fixing placement of subregion comments in some files - July 2018
Last updated
There are some audio files in which the subregion comments were accidentally moved, meaning that the subregions are no longer one hour, or are misaligned with the most talkative parts of the file. We're fixing that!
There's a folder in Fas-Phyc-PEB-Lab/Seedlings/Scripts_and_Apps/annot_distr
called "new_subregion_comments". These are the files that need to be fixed! You will be assigned to fix a particular file. Find your file within this folder and copy it. Then navigate to Working Files, and make a new folder called "XX_XX_REWRITTEN" with your file name in the place of the X's. Paste in the .cha. Go to that file within Subject Files (Home_Visit/Processing/Audio_Files) and copy the .wav file (called "XX_XX.wav"). Navigate back to your Working File and paste the .wav in to the folder with your .cha. Now you should be able to open the .cha in CLAN and the media file should be linked automatically!
Open this spreadsheet:
Highlight the entire spreadsheet (click the grey diagonal arrow in the upper left hand corner between Column A and Row 1) and then add Filters. Filter by your assigned file--unselect all and then reselect only your number.
The relevant columns in the spreadsheet tell you what the onset and offset should be (onset_correctSR, offset_correctSR) and what the onset and offset times are currently, as well as what the difference is (in ms). It also tells you what the subregion ranks should be. The columns with T's and F's are True/False evaluations--what's important there is that for every "T" in "region_onset_diff" there will be an amount of time to code, which is translated into minutes in the "onset_diff_minutes" column. A positive value in onset_diff_minutes means that the old SR comment comes before the correct SR comment. A negative value in onset_diff_minutes means that the old SR comment comes after the correct SR comment. Same for offsets.
For every file that has an issue, ALL subregion comments have NEW comments in this format:
Follow these steps to fix the subregions that DO NOT have issues:
Press Ctrl+F for "Find" and type "rewritten" and hit Enter. This will bring you to the first CORRECT subregion comment.
Check that the new rank matches the original rank
Highlight with your cursor from REWRITTEN to the space before %xcom like this:
Delete what you highlighted, then highlight with your cursor backward from the end of the old comment (right after the adjusted timestamp number) all the way up to the colon in the new comment like this:
Delete what you highlighted. That comment is now fixed. You should have a normal subregion comment with no spaces or empty lines afterward.
Use Ctrl+G to "Find" the next instance of "REWRITTEN" which should be the subregion comment for the end of the region. If this is also not one of the places where the comments are off, then follow the same steps.